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Email referrals for extra entries

posted 24-6-2007 @ 11:53 PM www
Email referrals for extra entries

Hi guys :)

When you enter a web based comp, where they say if you a refer a friend you will gain extra entries into the comp, who do you usually refer?
Because of the number of comps i enter, i hate bombarding my friend's inboxs with 'junk mail'. i usually give my mum but don't have many more people to refer!
Any tips?

posted 25-6-2007 @ 08:35 AM www

Hi Loreli (great name by the way!). Many people on Lottos use the referral ring to get email buddies to refer. People are allocated in groups of 5 or so and you can use those names for your referrals. Send Wenchy a u2u to see if you can grab a spot.
posted 25-6-2007 @ 04:29 PM www

Have added you to the list :)
posted 9-7-2007 @ 08:28 PM www

Hi guys,

I would like to add my name to the list for email referrals, if it still can be done. I am a premium member.

posted 28-7-2007 @ 06:21 PM www

Please put me on the list too, need all the emails I can get LOL!!!
thanks in advance

and happy comping!:)
posted 29-7-2007 @ 06:13 PM www

you can be added to my list if you want :)and i can be added to yours :)

posted 29-7-2007 @ 06:42 PM www

I'm really sorry but the last round of this has only just been u2'd out to everyone and I don't intend opening it up again anytime soon ;)
posted 29-7-2007 @ 06:55 PM www

:) thanks

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