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Public notices

posted 24-10-2008 @ 09:00 PM www
Public notices

How do you search for your name or competition winners in the public notices?

I've seen a lot of people write about seeing their name in the PN's before they got a WPC or email...

Where do you go??

Thanks heaps wonderful Lotto'ers!
posted 24-10-2008 @ 09:35 PM www

hi pinknutella

I look every day at the public notices in the australian - either at the actual paper or in the link on the top of each lottos page "Aust. Newspaper".

From time to time I also put my own surname in the search function of the lottos site as this will bring up any entries in the public notices. (look for both in the royal blue section at the top of most lottos pages)
hope this helps
Good Luck!
posted 24-10-2008 @ 09:43 PM www

oh i didn't even notice the 'aust newspaper' tab up there!

thanks heaps.
posted 24-10-2008 @ 11:07 PM www

I actually set a google alert for my name . Great if you have an uncommon last name .I don't need to check pn's as much

posted 27-10-2008 @ 08:07 AM www

oooh smurfette... how do you set a google alert?

So is it right that there's only a one day opportunity to check for your name? Cos I won stuff two weeks ago but can't search for them (just wanted to see my name)

So are you meant to take note of the T&C regarding when the winners names will be published in the Australian and then go check that day?
posted 27-10-2008 @ 08:09 AM www

PS: OMG Smurfette... just saw your signature - you met Delta??
I LOVE her!! :)
posted 27-10-2008 @ 08:30 AM www

The results are archived on lottos for about a month as well
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