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More creative entries??

posted 5-11-2008 @ 12:50 PM www
More creative entries??

I am new to comping and have been reading through some of the hints and tips posted here in relation to 25 wol comps.
Someone mentioned that they can be more creative with some entries – particularly non-online competitions. I am thinking that this might involve decorating the entry, or presenting it in a unique way (e.g. written onto an object)?
Can anyone give me more information on how this can be done? For example, is this only possible for entries sent by post, and what about the requirement to write the response on the back of an envelope?
So many questions, I know! But you all seem to be so helpful and friendly!
posted 5-11-2008 @ 01:53 PM www

Yes, for postal entry options (but not always!) - some people do models of cars and people patchwork quilts and posters etc etc etc...I've seen some of them win and others will be ignored so it's completely up to you as to whether you bother.

The T & C's will normally state, "creative" etc in them but there's always debate as to whether this just means creative with words.

Normally you'd still have the official entry form attached somewhere as well.

posted 5-11-2008 @ 02:21 PM www

I am a big fan of creative entries simply because I enjoy doing them whether they win or not - I reckon if you enjoy doing them go for it - I've won once with doing a drawing and sticking on a picture and putting my 25wol on there.

However, I remember spending a whole weekend cutting and pasting and colouring a poster and spending about 10 dollars to post it so it didn't fold over, just to win one of ten or fifteen lousy frypans, and didn't get one so maybe they can be a turnoff for judges if they are not done really well!
posted 5-11-2008 @ 02:32 PM www

Plus, I think some judges avoid those ones, as they may think "professional comper" and may want to award the prize to someone else that may seem like a "first-timer".

Just my opinion, though, I could be (and probably am) wrong :P
posted 5-11-2008 @ 03:00 PM www

you're right timtam.

I didn't think of that when I did the post and it could very well be them thinking they have a "prize pig" on their hands, and that for some strange reason only they understand that someone who loves entering competitions is offputting!
posted 5-11-2008 @ 03:28 PM www

I've actually won a few prizes before SFI asked for answers on the back on envelopes.

Questions like 'What you most enjoy about baking?' I put a photo of my sons first birthday cake that I made of Bob The Builder and I won a huge baking pack worth over $200!

I've won 4 different prizes from different mags that way. But they all changed and now want everything on the back of an envelope.

I'm trying to figure out how to do my thing on the back now:D
posted 6-11-2008 @ 01:11 PM www

Thanks everyone for your advice.
I think I might experiment with decorating some larger white envelopes... all good fun!
posted 6-11-2008 @ 03:57 PM www

Would it work if you took a photo, scanned it & then reduced it so you could print it onto the back of an envelope?
posted 6-11-2008 @ 04:02 PM www

I thought about that but not sure. Haven't tried it yet!;)

Hopefully when the right question comes up again, I'll give it a go.
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