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First Win

posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:15 PM www
First Win

I have only recently joined and am still getting the hang of this. My daughter said "Mum win me some tickets to Big Day Out" so I had a try and bingo my first win. She is absolutely over the moon because there was no way she could afford tickets so at the moment I am one very appreciated Mum.
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:17 PM www

Congratulations and the start of many more wins :)
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:19 PM www


posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:24 PM www

Great first win, hope there are many more to come for you Shazzie35
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:29 PM www

Oh, that is super!
Well done, Shazzie!
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:31 PM www

What a wonderful first win shazzie35:):)

Yes our teenagers do appreciate us sometimes when we win tickets to something they really would love to do but can't afford;);)

Cheers, a lovely first win and may you have many, many more wins to come:):):)
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:33 PM www

Well done on your first win. Hope there is lots more to come for you.
posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:42 PM www

Good on you Shazzie35 - well done!
posted 16-1-2009 @ 08:06 PM www

Well Done shazzie35 - always nice to be popular!!! Hopefully you'll be popular often!!!:)

posted 16-1-2009 @ 08:43 PM www

well done on your first win - here's to many more to come! :):)
posted 16-1-2009 @ 09:23 PM www

Thanks for the encouragement, hopefully I will win something for me next time.
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