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Winning Entry - Movie Tickets - James Boags

posted 30-1-2009 @ 12:48 PM www
Winning Entry - Movie Tickets - James Boags

I got more tickets in the mail yesterday. I have been keeping a document with all my WOL entries in it and this is what I had entered.

In 50 WOL tell us what matters to you....

What matters to me is love, trust, fun
Days to be busy, days in the sun
Family and friends always close by
Unless I want time to be with me, myself, I
A chance to partake, a chance to come first
And always a cold one, to slake my thirst

Hee hee.. It's a bit silly but I am happy :) :)

I also received a family pass to Manly Ocean World from a Newspaper but that was just a random 'fill in form' no WOL...

Can't wait for the postie to arrive today :D
posted 30-1-2009 @ 01:48 PM www

Well done !
posted 30-1-2009 @ 01:51 PM www

great answer! :)
posted 9-2-2009 @ 04:45 PM www

i wrote something along the lines of public holidays and pointed out that as the years are going by they seem to be dissapearing, before you know it we wont have weekends or furthermore no time to spend with our family.

very drastic lmao
posted 9-2-2009 @ 04:50 PM www

Awesome MargaretEv Well done:):)
posted 9-2-2009 @ 07:59 PM www

Thanks for sharing.:)
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