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First in Best Dressed or Last Dash get the Cash?

posted 20-6-2009 @ 12:00 PM www
First in Best Dressed or Last Dash get the Cash?

Just wondering which is best:

Get in early with 25WOL competitions while the judges are still fresh and eager....or

Post late in comp when judges have gone thru thousands of entries and are feeling jaded but at least because yours is one of the last ones read its still fresh in their minds?

Just wondering what your (highly valued) opinions are, fellow compers! Would help with what comp forum to use: Comps just listed or closing in 10 days.
posted 20-6-2009 @ 12:21 PM www

The "collective wisdom" says get in early with WOL comps, but apparently some companies who seriously judge them extract all the entries and put them in alpha order, and some companies won't consider an entry unless it has a key word....I can't tell you from personal experience, unfortunately, as it doesn't seem to matter when I put them in!
posted 20-6-2009 @ 04:16 PM www

thanks pirate! I'll keep doing what I'm doing and hope for a miracle!
posted 20-6-2009 @ 04:29 PM www

Your guesses are as good as mine! ;);)

posted 4-7-2009 @ 12:49 PM www

I have read quite a bit on this subject. From what I can gather, there will be several judges to wade through the entries, and each judge is given a section of the overall entries to read, therefore, an entry submitted at any time throughout the comp could be anywhere in a judges section.
Personally, I've had more luck towards the end of the comp,
I won a holiday last year with a submission on the last day.
posted 4-7-2009 @ 02:36 PM www

i won trip las vegas when i put an 25 wol entry in by sms
about 5 mins before closing time, which i marked
not entered and then something popped into my head
and thought well might as well enter.
as long as you get an entry in you have a chance is my thoughts,
most times when i try hard i don't win
but when i write first thing that
pops into my head it wins.
posted 15-9-2009 @ 09:48 PM www

My wins have always been done in the last few days of a comp
posted 15-9-2009 @ 10:23 PM www

I've heard getting in first helps, who knows tho

posted 19-9-2009 @ 10:46 AM www

If you can enter more than once, I enter on the first day, once in the middle of the comp and once at the end. 3 entries is enough

posted 25-9-2009 @ 12:56 AM www
Thanks to the efficiency of Australia Post.

Classic example of last dash gets the cash - my daughter entered a comp the afternoon before the day of comp closing(5pm). Thanks to Australia Post getting her entry there the next morning, she won a Gift Card as 3rd. prize.
posted 27-10-2009 @ 08:00 PM www

I've always thought that entering just before the comp closes is the best way to go ... that way after reading thousands of entries, yours is one of the last they read and therefore fresh in their mind when judging.
posted 27-10-2009 @ 09:08 PM www

or they could be so sick of reading them by then they dont bother;);):D

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 27-10-2009 @ 10:08 PM www

Years ago B105 had a comp for $1000 closing each afternoon at 4pm. I entered at 3.58pm and won. I also have noticed a few times entering last minutes for midnight comps i have also won them. I think it depends if they are 25 words or what .
posted 27-10-2009 @ 10:20 PM www

I won our trip to the Charlotte's Web premiere to meet Dakota Fanning right at the last minute.

I can tell you though that the Today show did read them all because he said to me "wow, that was close you almost missed out but it was so good we're glad you didn't, congratulations" and we chatted about the entries.

When I won my DSLR I worked really hard on the entries also and sent one entry mid competition for hubby and then mine at the end also I think.

My big wins from WOL answers are answers that I know stood out as better than what I would normally think up :)

There's a few sites I've had several wins from no matter what time I enter during the competition, but that's another factor of course because some companies prefer certains styles, there's some sites and promoters I've never been able to crack for a win!

I really think it depends on who the promoter is, because quite honestly some are just drawn, some read every entry and some well..... who knows!

All I know is that you won't have any chance if you don't enter!
posted 11-11-2009 @ 06:05 PM www

Thanks for the advice. It seems opinion is divided on whether an early or late entry is more effective. I wonder if you submit the same answer early and late whether that might increase your chances. Something that may seem a bit too cheeky at the start of the comp may well tickle a jaded judge's funnybone towards the end.
posted 11-11-2009 @ 06:35 PM www

My motto is "You've got to be in it to win it" :)

Total for 2019: $1,369
Total for 2018: $6,791
Total for 2017: $4,190
Total for 2016: $3,441
Total for 2015: $9,655
Total for 2014: $6,167
Total for 2013: $4,327
Total for 2012: $10,061
Total for 2011: $1,912
Total for 2010: $3,331
Total for 2009: $10,918
Total for 2008: $3,845
Total for 2007: $22,100
Total for 2006: $1046
posted 2-1-2010 @ 05:24 PM www

That's it....Have a go, you never know...(LOL)
posted 2-1-2010 @ 05:29 PM www

Don't think it matters much either way or maybe works for some sites and not for others.

Either way just do it and then forget about it, remember sometimes even 25 wol end up just being draws
posted 3-1-2010 @ 11:33 PM www

I agree- just do it- forget about it- move on to the next comp- leave it to the universe, as what is meant to be will be!;););)
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