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Win an african holiday

posted 23-8-2009 @ 02:15 PM www
Win an african holiday

Found this while researching timeshares. No T&C's, no $ value, no closing date! Actually from the description I'm not even 100% positive it is in Africa, could be a wildlife park in Australia for all I know.

Get a little WILD!! experience something truly unique...


Movacation PTY LTD are offering you and your family (2 adults and 2 children) the chance to experience one of the African Safari's (in the world's finest holiday resorts) and have the chance to get 'up close and personal' with some of the wild animals of Africa. Entry is ABSOLUTELY FREE, in addition to the safari you automatically enter the monthly draw for one free week in a luxury Australian resort!
posted 23-8-2009 @ 02:20 PM www

theres something about this comp that doesnt well.

No T&Cs for a possible trip to africa?

posted 23-8-2009 @ 02:36 PM www

It's time-share, so they'll probably annoy the hell out of you for the next 436 years...even after you're dead! :(

posted 23-8-2009 @ 03:05 PM www

Thank you for the Whitepoint. Think I will stay away from this one. Would have loved have won an African holiday though.
posted 8-11-2009 @ 03:15 PM www

Thanks SerenityViolet :D
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