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Help???? for 25 wol perfect wedding day

posted 27-1-2010 @ 04:06 PM www
Help???? for 25 wol perfect wedding day

I don't know why but I have been trying to write a 25wol to 'creating a perfect wedding day', for several weeks and I can't even start.
I've written a number of words ie: romantic wedding, prince and princess, perfect day, bride and groom, sparkling diamond etc, but I just cannot put anything together.
Have any of you ever written a wol regarding a wedding??
I would appreciate your ideas, thoughts etc.
Or suggestions to even start??
thanks so much!
posted 27-1-2010 @ 04:31 PM www

Is this for a comp?

If so...
write all the words you can think of to do with a wedding as you have done...but you probably need more than that...say 50 - 100 words at least, & even as way out & whacky as you can think of
Just start - use some of them, keep going back to it
Use these words as a springboard for your answer
Make sure your answer will answer their Q
Think of a good opener
Rhyme if you wish
try & target the industry
Mention the product/s if there are products
Try & have either a romantic or funny ending
Once you have something you're remotely happy with tweak it over a few days
Run your answer by a few people you trust
Relax & let your subconscious work on it for a while

posted 27-1-2010 @ 04:35 PM www

What great advice kismet. I will keep that in mind next time I am working on a WOL.;)
posted 27-1-2010 @ 09:42 PM www

Thanks Kismet - really appreciate your response. Will follow your advice.

Thanks so much again:D;)
posted 28-1-2010 @ 12:51 PM www

Thank you, Kismet. Wonderful advice.
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