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25 WOL winner

posted 11-6-2010 @ 07:40 AM www
25 WOL winner

Hi all, thought I'd share a 25 WOL answer that won me a

yoghurt maker recently :) It's a pretty cheesy answer I know

but hey if it wins, what does it matter!:D

I love to eat yoghurt,
with lots of fresh fruit and honey.
It’s even better when sitting outside
when it’s glorious and sunny!
posted 11-6-2010 @ 07:47 AM www

Nice answer, nice win!:)
posted 11-6-2010 @ 08:02 AM www

That's fabulous - thanks for sharing!
posted 22-6-2010 @ 11:23 PM www

Yep!... I like dat one :)

It's a nice and sunny entry.. just the ticket for a fun food like yoghurt... well done :)
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