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Winning WOL for Whinging!!

posted 9-11-2010 @ 02:04 PM www
Winning WOL for Whinging!!

Didn't expect to win this Curl Magic by VS..:o

The Question was "What's the first thing you'd do if you won this Curl Magic?

Answer: I'd get this stupid "YOU Curl" I bought and send it back to where it came from cause it's crap!
Both made by VS.....So there is such thing as Whinge winning!! :lol:
posted 9-11-2010 @ 02:13 PM www

LOL! Nice job - Congrats! :)
posted 9-11-2010 @ 07:00 PM www

LOL....they must have agreed with you, or trying ot apologise or going good PR. :lol:
posted 9-11-2010 @ 07:08 PM www

not to rain on your parade but I wonder if it was judged or picked at random. I hope judged :lol::lol::lol::lol:
mmmm wonder what I could apply Toriangel's winning train of whinging thought too?
posted 10-11-2010 @ 02:39 PM www

Well done on your winning whinge! :) They probably appreciated your honesty.
posted 10-11-2010 @ 02:54 PM www

lmao, i love it! he he :lol:
posted 29-11-2010 @ 09:59 PM www

Cool answer...pays to be honest, after all these companies are using us compers for all sorts of information, whether we give it conciously or not!
Hope the new one is a big improvement!
posted 14-12-2010 @ 12:43 PM www

Congrats! What a great way to win :)

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