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The Hotel Windsor Melb, Share your Memories, Lucky Draw to Win Accommodation Package

posted 31-7-2012 @ 10:48 PM www
The Hotel Windsor Melb, Share your Memories, Lucky Draw to Win Accommodation Package

Says from The Senior article Page 37 August edition -

Hotel Windsor wants to share your memories, IF YOU have a fond memory of your stay or an event at Melbourne's Hotel Windsor, they'd like to hear from you.

"Next Year the Hotel will be 130 years old, anything such as valet parking receipts, special menus, wedding or special dinner photographs, invitations to events, recollections or employment contracts, perhaps items that were affectiontely taken as souvenirs such as a room key, or a wine glass, will help us put together a social history of the hotel as part of our anniversary celebrations next year," says manager Victoria Batters.

The Hotel was built in 1883, a wiatress's apron from the late 1890's, even a letter penned by circketer Harold Larwood in 1932 etc., a special display will be on show to the public next year.

Anyone who submits information will go into a lucky draw to win an accommodation package at the Hotel Windsor.

Submit material to:-
The Marketing Manager,
The Hotel Windsor,
111 Spring St.,
Melbourne, 3000

OR email to -

It doesn't give a closing date, or the value of the prize, if anyone gets more details please add in. Good luck everyone.
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