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my yellow pages entry

posted 31-7-2003 @ 10:28 PM www
my yellow pages entry

Here is my entry in the Good Weekend Magazine - SMH Win $10,000 travel voucher. Ends 25/07. Prize pool: $10,000

In 25 words or less suggest something you else you might do before you take off.

"Shave those legs and armpits too, a Brazilian wax & a new hair-do, kiss the relo's & the cat then overturn the 'Welcome' doormat!"

My hubby thinks it was too naughty! Anyway wish me luck, i'd love to go visit my sister in the Uk or go to India!!
posted 31-7-2003 @ 10:42 PM www

I think that was quite witty!! Good luck with it! It would be lovely for you to get to be able to see your sister :D (ps... don't worry about it being naughty... I think they are the best!) hee hee
posted 31-7-2003 @ 10:46 PM www
good luck racmac

naughty but clever.
posted 1-8-2003 @ 01:45 PM www
Cool entry!

Reminded me of my entry for a $1000 Morrissey voucher with <b>[delete this please, site not allowed]</b>...

Vanilla Diet Coke - the only thing smoother than my brazilian!

Closed 30/7 so here's hoping! LOL

Good luck to you!!:D
posted 3-7-2006 @ 06:03 PM www

Great entry! good luck

2005 total:$1,130-
2006 $5,500 app.
2007 $2,000 approx.
2008 $1200
2009 $930
2010 $4,200
2011 $1,473
2012 $675 :(
2013 $462 :(
2014 $2,150
2015 $120 :(
2016 $1150
2017 $210
2018 $210 at least I'm consistent!
2019 $115 still waiting for the big one!
2020 $550
2021 $3,000
All I want ... is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy! And 2024 is the year to do it!
posted 6-7-2006 @ 08:45 PM www

Really good - hope u win, not naughty really, just a bit more lively shall we say!! Well done.
posted 6-7-2006 @ 11:25 PM www

Luv it! Hope you win...good luck!
posted 6-7-2006 @ 11:27 PM www

Love it, wishing you lots of luck

posted 6-7-2006 @ 11:29 PM www

That was back in 2003 guys pmsl

posted 7-7-2006 @ 10:01 AM www

I was just about to ask if this was posted anywhere as I didn't remember seeing it, 2003 explains it - thanks tye
posted 7-7-2006 @ 10:07 AM www

That's ok - racmac hasn't been online since January last year... Maybe they won afterall and are still off travelling ;)

posted 7-7-2006 @ 10:20 AM www

And I was about to accuse you of plagarism!!! :D

I remembered reading this entry somewhere before and of course it was yours - 2003 entry

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