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Enduring Love - 5wol

posted 25-2-2006 @ 02:46 PM www
Enduring Love - 5wol

I saw quite a few lottos names for winners of a DVD of Enduring Love.

The question: If you were to write a thriller, what would the opening sentence be (in 5wol).

Mine was:

The head noiselessly rolled away.
posted 25-2-2006 @ 03:37 PM www

I won one of these. I put:
The glass eyed kidnapper glared.
posted 25-2-2006 @ 05:21 PM www

LOL :-) 'The Glass eyed kidnapper glared' LOVE IT !!
posted 25-2-2006 @ 05:54 PM www

Thanks bonecrusher :)
posted 25-2-2006 @ 08:08 PM www

Originally posted by bonecrusher
LOL :-) 'The Glass eyed kidnapper glared' LOVE IT !!

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