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25 wol for Zathura

posted 23-3-2006 @ 05:42 PM www
25 wol for Zathura

Normally I can't remember what I wrote for 25 WOL but luckily this was still in my sent items! Not a huge win and there was prob hundreds given away but nevertheless.
Q. What would you do if you house was blasted into space?
A. Collect some space junk and have a great garage sale when I got back.
Silly but it worked! Then again, do they actually read them?? I sometimes wonder!!

Funny though, at least half my wins are 25 wol!!
posted 23-3-2006 @ 06:03 PM www

great entry katep;)
my son would love to come to your garage sale lol :P

oh yeah congrats!!!!!
posted 23-3-2006 @ 09:24 PM www

hahahahha well i love it :D:P;) congrats
posted 24-3-2006 @ 11:38 AM www

Good one, thanks for sharing
posted 24-3-2006 @ 11:48 AM www

Well done! Congrats!!
posted 24-3-2006 @ 12:34 PM www

did u get this win from target? i got tickets to this too and i think it was the same comp

i said something like

find a place similar to the emerald city so i could get outta there, theres no place like home well something like that it worked...
posted 24-3-2006 @ 01:20 PM www

Yep Suzie it was Target. Congrats to you too, great answer.

Now if only I could translate that to a slightly bigger prize!!!
posted 24-3-2006 @ 06:22 PM www

I liked it :-)
posted 24-3-2006 @ 06:43 PM www

I got one too.

Think my answer was something along the lines of....
"Sit back on my couch and watch the world go by!"

posted 27-3-2006 @ 12:58 PM www

Mine was...

...I'd play astronoughts and crosses :)
posted 27-3-2006 @ 01:24 PM www

No sign of a win here but mine was...

When my house is in outer space,
I take the opportunity,
To toss kids' stuff out of place,
Then take space diplomatic immunity!
posted 27-3-2006 @ 01:28 PM www

I entered for myself, my husband and my daughter.
All three entries won.

I’d hit the chocolate and lollies that are hidden in the pantry. After all , you weigh a whole lot less in space.

Absolutely nothing, No lawns to mow, no wood to chop. Just one big Long weekend.

I’d tidy the kids’ bedrooms. They wouldn’t be able to hide stuff under their beds, when their beds are floating.

posted 27-3-2006 @ 02:09 PM www

It looks like Lottos cleaned up on this comp! My answer was:

Sit back and enjoy the ride
Forget the clothes drying outside
Tea with the stars, in carefree mirth
Who’s doing the chores, back on earth?
posted 27-3-2006 @ 03:04 PM www

Nice one...

posted 27-3-2006 @ 03:08 PM www

Mine was longer but said something like:

I'd sell my story of adventure, amazing trips, sensational stars and nasty bits.
posted 27-3-2006 @ 09:00 PM www

I got one as aswell. I wrote something like: I'd ring all my friends and tell them 'I can't see my house from here!'
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