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my Wrotham Park winning entry

posted 5-4-2006 @ 04:13 PM www
my Wrotham Park winning entry

This is my 25 WOL winning entry to a luxury all expenses Outback Queensland Voyages resort "Wrotham Park" holiday of a lifetime. Outback magazine had this comp.

25 Wol why you want to win the trip to Wrotham park.

"To feel the rays of an OUTBACK sun,
gaze into a sky lit only by stars.
Walk upon the untamed earth,
taste Wrotham country hospitality."

Real sucky and really worth it!

Jed dog
posted 5-4-2006 @ 04:52 PM www

fantastic prize for a fantastic entry...wishing you many more wins. thanks for sharing it with us.
posted 5-4-2006 @ 04:55 PM www

Yeah ! Ditto...

I love winning holidays, long after you have won them you have the memories with you. Plus you get to go to a helluva lot of spots that you may ordinarilly not have chosen.

posted 5-4-2006 @ 04:57 PM www

thanks for sharing:)
great answer!
great holiday!
posted 5-4-2006 @ 05:18 PM www

Thanks for sharing that entry.......hope you have a great holiday! Well done!
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