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Win tickets to Bombay to Beijing by Bicycle

posted 8-4-2006 @ 03:36 PM www
Win tickets to Bombay to Beijing by Bicycle

This alliteration competition was great fun to do & I was thrilled to win one of the 3 double passes to this show at the International Comedy Festival. My entry was:

Wilbur and Walter Were Wonderfully Wacky and Wished to Waddle to Woolloomooloo and Wollongong While Walking to Wagga Wagga, Wherefore Wanderlust Was a Worry, they Waited for Warm Weather and Whinged to Widow Wendy their Walnuts Were Weeviled Which they Wanted for their Weary Walkathon, so With Wads in Wallets and Waiting for the Weekend, the Weird duo Wandered away Willy-Nilly making Wrong turns, Wondering Whereabouts They Were and Why they Wound up in Woop Woop.
posted 8-4-2006 @ 06:27 PM www

That was weally weally worth the efort. A Well worthy win. Whoopee !!
posted 8-4-2006 @ 08:17 PM www

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