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Silly 25 wol winner

posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:15 PM www
Silly 25 wol winner

Just received a Topfield media player. The q was "what would you watch on your prize?

I said "TOP Gun and FIELD of Dreams".

Hmmm, really sweated over that one!!

posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:25 PM www

Great answer and great prize! congrats!
posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:26 PM www

I thought it was clever:)
posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:29 PM www

Me too.

posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:35 PM www

Hehe... clever :)
posted 25-5-2006 @ 02:39 PM www

Thanks guys. It cracks me up though because I wrote what I thought was a great limerick for the Dell comp and nothing!! It took me ages, whereas this one just fell out of my head! Will never understand this comping thing. I think it is best to just keep entering and not try to figure it out!
posted 25-5-2006 @ 03:06 PM www

LOL... me too, you'll do your head in...

Alot of people say their great entries dont get chosen but quick little throw togethers do.... strange that.

posted 25-5-2006 @ 03:13 PM www

very clever:)
congrats on your win:):)
posted 25-5-2006 @ 03:16 PM www

Congrats Katep!:):):):)
Different judges look for different types of answers. I once won a King Kong pack for the following question:
Why would you like to see King Kong?
I said because I've heard it's as big as King Kong...
posted 25-5-2006 @ 08:01 PM www

I've had sleepless nights over 25WOLS trying to get some "just right"...course never one. Then one night, half asleep entered one thinking MIGHT score a DVD if VERY lucky, but scored the main prize...just goes to think, maybe it is better to NOT think too hard, but just go for it??

Funny how life works sometimes :)
posted 25-5-2006 @ 09:10 PM www

Clever juggling of words for a well deserved win.
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