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Can't find my winning entry for So Good but remember bits of it

posted 6-7-2006 @ 06:21 PM www
Can't find my winning entry for So Good but remember bits of it

I apparently didn't save my winning entry for the So Good competition. I can remember some things about it though if it helps anyone. It was a 4 line rhyme with lines 1 & 2 and then 3 & 4 rhyming. I mentioned the product name. There was no 'thinking outside the square' about it and I didn't use any chestnuts - I just wrote in the first two lines about how creamy and nutty the flavour was. The last two lines went something like:

In the morning it creates capuccino joy
That's what I love about new So Good soy

That's not it exactly, but you get the picture. I only put one entry in.
posted 6-7-2006 @ 06:25 PM www

I had my entry all thought out, then when I went to enter it it was over!! I only bought it for the comp lol It was nice though, never used to like so good. Its probly the closest soy milk to cows milk that Ive had.
posted 6-7-2006 @ 06:34 PM www

I only bought it for the comp too and had to agree it really wasn't awful..

posted 6-7-2006 @ 06:48 PM www

Edit: actually I had better delete what I wrote :D
posted 6-7-2006 @ 07:27 PM www
congratulations.... nice to see a simple winning entry...

what did you win?
posted 6-7-2006 @ 08:16 PM www

sue-c I won a year's worth of groceries ($7800) from Woolworths
posted 6-7-2006 @ 08:32 PM www

Congratulations popetta, what a fabulous prize.Thanks for sharing your entry! A win with a 25wol must be so sweet!!:D:D
posted 6-7-2006 @ 08:52 PM www

Thanks so much for trying to remember - so now just remember to compose them in your Word document next time, so we can read your brilliance in its entirety.
Sounded good anyway.
WELL DONE - enjoy your fabulous prize, so practical as you can enjoy it over & over, better than a holiday in my book as you have that & it's gone, poof, whereas this one you can enjoy every time you DON'T have to pay at the supermarket. :D:):D:)
posted 6-7-2006 @ 11:25 PM www

I loved your entry Popetta. I bet your family are going to really enjoy the extras you can now what a prize. probably one of the best there is.
ENJOY and big big Congratulations
posted 7-7-2006 @ 08:32 AM www

Thanks everyone! I actually do compose my 25wol in Word but I only keep the ones which I think can be recycled and I must have thought soy milk was too specific to keep.

I am still wracking my brains to think of what I wrote and if I remember I will do an edit.
posted 7-7-2006 @ 09:21 AM www

Thanks for sharing Popetta...I can't remember mine exactly but it started off something like

So Good is so good for you,
Not from COWS but TOFU!

yada yada yada

I know it isn't strictly correct but it amused me at the time! PMSL!!;):P:D
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