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posted 15-7-2006 @ 01:36 AM www
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hi all Iam new at this Iwould love some feedback on 25wol comps I recently entered a Vogue comp for a dream holiday on wilson and heron Island the Q was why would they be a dream holiday I wrote two what do you think am I completly off the track.

On Wilson & Heron Islands
My dream voyage ends
Blue sparkling water
Green hills golden sands
Walking in the sunset
With my man holding hands.

For years I have dreamt
of voyages in the sun,
Oh' what joyous fun
Too old I have heard said
Well " Im 60" not dead.

My hubby liked the 2nd one so I sent it in. my I have rambled on a bit must be the the late hour Bigred
posted 15-7-2006 @ 01:54 AM www

I think they are both great!

Keep at it and you'll win eventually.

Dont be disheartened if it takes awhile...25 wol comps are hard to win so just be patient and enjoy creating entries..persistance pays off!

posted 15-7-2006 @ 02:19 AM www

it appears different judges like different things and that most people think that the major comps are just picked out of a hat. Who knows.

I think, put what you think is your best in, try, try and try again, and eventually you'll come up trumps.

a lot of people don't seem to put any effort in, so congratulate yourself on writing such good entries, and hopefully the judges will see that too!

good luck.
posted 15-7-2006 @ 06:24 AM www

I too am working hard to nail the 25 WOL comps, but take heart the winners havnt been annouced as yet... so you just never never know!!

I seem to have to different styles, depending on my mood and I have to admit I love the feeling of being chuffed with yourself when you enter what you consider a "good one".:D

Good Luck!!
posted 15-7-2006 @ 03:04 PM www

Both are fantastic.I think you are going to have lots of wins.Your a natural.:):):)
posted 15-7-2006 @ 06:31 PM www

Think they sound great bigred - I especially like the second one - good luck:)
posted 16-7-2006 @ 08:11 AM www

Funny with 25wol, it would be wonderful to channel in what they were exactly looking for - then I guess we would all win always. But I love both these entries, I would pick them!!!
You have captured the spirit and I hope they come up a winner for you.
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