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I won chance to win a million! Any advice? pls!

posted 1-3-2010 @ 09:52 PM www

posted 1-3-2010 @ 09:56 PM www

Best wishes LooLoo:)
posted 1-3-2010 @ 10:07 PM www

Best wishes LooLoo for Wednesday!
Fingers and toes crossed for you! Have fun!! :)
posted 1-3-2010 @ 10:12 PM www

wishing serenity and peace and bucket load of luck

posted 1-3-2010 @ 10:21 PM www

Good Luck!

I've won tix to this game so will be there cheering you on! :)
posted 1-3-2010 @ 10:22 PM www

posted 1-3-2010 @ 11:24 PM www

Good Luck. I hope you come up trumphs.
posted 1-3-2010 @ 11:40 PM www

Kick a beautie :)
Wishing you best of luck loulou

posted 1-3-2010 @ 11:46 PM www

Best of luck Loo Loo, I shall be cheering for you, as I will be in the corporate box at the game,
Fingers crossed for you x
posted 2-3-2010 @ 12:20 AM www

Good Luck .... and enjoy the night
posted 2-3-2010 @ 11:32 AM www

Good Luck enjoy the experience, it`s what comping is all about the things we would never normally get to do, even if you don`t win you will have a really unique experience to talk about forever !!
posted 2-3-2010 @ 11:38 AM www

Wll the game be on tv so that we can all cheer you on?
posted 2-3-2010 @ 03:11 PM www

Anna31, if you have Pay TV, it's on Fox Sports3 live at 8.30pm (NSW time).

Good luck LooLoo, we'll be cheering you on. Relax and enjoy :).

posted 3-3-2010 @ 11:44 AM www

Wishing you the VERY BEST OF LUCK for tonight LooLoo!! All of Lottos will be cheering you on!!! Have fun & enjoy!!! :P;):)

posted 3-3-2010 @ 11:50 AM www

Good luck LooLoo have fun.
posted 3-3-2010 @ 11:52 AM www

good luck loulou :) all of us here on lottos will be cheering you on

Wins for 2009 $9284.57
Wins for 2010 $5531.80
Wins for 2011 $21836.50
Wins for 2012 $13464.55
Wins for 2013 $6091.58
Wins for 2014 $16875.40
Wins for 2015 $6982.88
Wins for 2016 $2702.80
Wins for 2017 $872
Wins for 2018 $863.55
Wins for 2019 $894.50
Wins for 2020 $700
Wins for 2021 $3731.14
Wins for 2022 $4580.99
Wins for 2023 $623
Wins for 2024 $600
posted 3-3-2010 @ 02:15 PM www

Good Luck LooLoo, won't be able to watch :( as i don't have foxtel, but will be thinking of you & will rub my possum LuLu's tummy for good luck for you!!

2005 total:$1,130-
2006 $5,500 app.
2007 $2,000 approx.
2008 $1200
2009 $930
2010 $4,200
2011 $1,473
2012 $675 :(
2013 $462 :(
2014 $2,150
2015 $120 :(
2016 $1150
2017 $210
2018 $210 at least I'm consistent!
2019 $115 still waiting for the big one!
2020 $550
2021 $3,000
All I want ... is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy! And 2024 is the year to do it!
posted 3-3-2010 @ 02:58 PM www

best of luck LooLoo.....have fun :)

posted 3-3-2010 @ 09:04 PM www

We're watching the soccer. They just showed what the ball has to be kicked through.
Not a goal, but a sign with $1,000,000 written at the top. One of the 0's has been cut out and that is what the ball has to go through.
They will announce the result of the kick after the soccer game
posted 3-3-2010 @ 09:11 PM www

Yikes! Sounds tough!

Good Luck LooLoo :)

posted 3-3-2010 @ 09:14 PM www

Again best wishes LooLoo:)

Fingers and toes crossed:)
posted 3-3-2010 @ 09:16 PM www

Ditto LooLoo!!! Can't stand the suspense, looking forward to hearing your good news.
posted 3-3-2010 @ 09:24 PM www

Caaaaaaaaaarn LooLoo :)... You're gonna do it.

We're all going to the LooLoo! Nervous and waiting for the result :P:)....

<< Wishes he had foxtel :)
posted 3-3-2010 @ 10:43 PM www

LooLoo, you had good go, that hole was SOOO small, I don't think a pro soccer player could have gotten that :(.
I can't believe you only got $1000, how petty!!! You should have gotten at least $10,000 for all your effort.

posted 3-3-2010 @ 10:47 PM www

Wowee... i wonder if someone could upload a video somewhere for us to have a lookie :).... bad luck LooLoo, but it sounded rooly rooly hard! ... well done for havin' a crack at it:)... you must have been so nervous!

A thousand bucks though... Niiiiiiiice :)
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