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RooBoy is now fighting "The Big C"

posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:31 PM www

Your attitude and positive spirit will have you winning. Stay strong Rooboy, we are all behind you and are here to fight with you. Thoughts and prayers are with you!:yes::thumbup:
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:32 PM www

Sorry to read of your circumstances rooboy, but I love your positive attitude. If anyone can give the Big C a run for it's money, you can!
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:37 PM www

That's some really cr#ppy news RooBoy. I love your attitude though. Keep up the fight and prove the Dr's wrong.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:46 PM www

Gosh RooBoy I am so sorry to here your news. As everyone has said you are such a positive person and if any one can kick it you can. From one Cancer surviver to another stay strong and stay positive. My family and I are all thinking of you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:50 PM www

Well, that's just bloody unfair, isn't it?

Sending my positive thoughts and best wishes to you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:51 PM www

sorry to hear your news Rooboy but like others I like your fighting spirit. My dad was given 6 months and lived for 9 years (almost all with good quality of life). The predictions can be way out.

best wishes
posted 22-11-2010 @ 05:51 PM www

With that positive attitude Rooboy maybe you will win. We are all sending positive vibes to you.

Coincidentally I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow and hoping for a positive outcome. :thumbup: I can tell you I am pretty damn sick of clear liquids and laxatives right about now, but any discomfort and inconvenience is worth it to nip this horrible disease in the bud.

Keep fighting!!!
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:01 PM www

Gary and I are very sad for you Rooboy, you have been through too much already. What a wonderful positive attitude you have, We both wish you all the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:14 PM www

best wishes, thinking of you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:16 PM www

Peter, prayers are all I have to offer, but I'll offer in huge amounts. God bless. xx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:25 PM www

Originally posted by susanmundy
Peter, you are a much loved member of the lottos family, and when we get such shocking news about a family member it is, as you'd expect...quite shocking! :o

As many others have said already, your positive attitude is wonderful and truely inspiring.

My wish for you is that you remain strong and positive and live the rest of your life with joy in your heart, always remembering how much of a positive difference you have made and make in the lives of those you touch.

The world is a better place for you being here. Thank you for sharing your beautiful spirit and reminding those who need it of the fragility of this life... *hugs* Susan

I think Susan has said it all here..
I'll be thinking of you, and am sure with that positive outlook, you will long outlast the doctors expectations.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:27 PM www

Blo.ody hell....we are here to fight all the way with you.
You have a great positive attitude Roo Boy. Am sorry this is happening. Sending big huggggggs !! xx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 06:43 PM www

that's just awful news :( thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:08 PM www

I'm so sorry to hear of your news, that just plain sucks.
Sending you lots of positive thoughts and thinking of you at this time
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:10 PM www

rooboy, sorry to hear your news, but if anyone can kick it in the guts, you can.

Love your positive attitude, and thoughts and prayers are with you
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:14 PM www

Just keep entering comps, then you have to wait for the results and then you have to wait for your prize to arrive (which can take a while)...and keep repeating.

I'm saying..Keep on hopping, RooBoy...and we'll do the hoping.

As lucywins said (and she should know..onya, Lucy!) the docs don't always take into account the power of the individual.

Thinking of you, sweetie. :):)
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:29 PM www

That really sux :thumbdown:

My other half just had his regular colonoscopy last week, he knows it's just something he has to keep doing.

Your attitude is amazing, you're an inspiration. Wishing you all the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:31 PM www

That sucks , gotta love your attitude, wishing you all the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 07:36 PM www

Big hugs RooBoy, Give it hell mate, our thoughts are with you xxx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:00 PM www

Great to read that your glass is half-full Rooboy - must make all the cr*ppy stuff much easier to cope with.
All the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:04 PM www

im so sorry of your sure is unfair...lots of prayers and best wishes coming your way.xxxx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:15 PM www

So sad to read this.......................

posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:35 PM www

words are not enough Peter- but just know that so many people are thinking about you here on Lottos! :sniffle:
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:38 PM www

Best Wishes Rooboy that you fulfil some of your goals along the way. None of us know our destiny and we all should appreciate each day. My brother died at 46 with bowel cancer and he was hopeful the whole time and on trials. Have you considered any trials ? It seems that by the way you have tried to send a message for us all to heed then trials are a way of moving forward with research for all those who follow in our footsteps.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:40 PM www

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, and really admire your positive attitude, a positive attitude can do wonders.

I hate how I seem to hear of so many people these days having the Big C diagnosis.

I trust you will have some really good days, and some really c****y days - but whatever day it is - you make sure you rule your day, and by the sounds of previous posts - you already do this anyway!
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