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RooBoy is now fighting "The Big C"

posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:46 PM www

Rooboy Im so sorry to hear of your illness.

You sound very courageous and I wish you lots of strength and love and support.(( Hugs))
posted 22-11-2010 @ 08:53 PM www

Welcome back RooBoy so sorry to hear of your problem, I am in shock, you have a wonderful attitude. Looking forward to seeing you post lots of comps, and may you win big time, will keep you in my prayers.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:00 PM www

I'm really sorry Rooboy. You certainly have the fighting spirit.

posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:06 PM www

So sorry to hear your news Roo Boy. Wishing you all the best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:08 PM www

that's bad. sorry to hear it. but pleased you're giving your life a red hot go.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:12 PM www

Lovely to have you back Rooboy but I'm so very sorry to hear of what you are going through. What an amazing person you are and such an important part of the lottos family - look, over 100 comments on this thread in just a few hours. That shows how very special you are to us all. :)

Thank you for letting us know what's happening and I wish you all the very best. Your strong fighting spirit and sense of humour will go a long way in helping you deal with it all. xxx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:13 PM www

I'm with everyone, keep fighting and keep strong...good luck with your quest.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:19 PM www

terrible news, all the best with the battle ahead. you know your lottos family is here for all the support we can give
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:47 PM www

I think you're amazing. Stay strong RooBoy. Thinking of you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 09:57 PM www

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you too Peter. Keep fighting xx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 10:00 PM www

You are in my prayers RooBoy, sending you strength and positive thoughts your way.
Stay positive, I believe that makes a big difference in how things work out.
With such strength, love and positive vibes Lottos brings to it's members I'm sure you will stay strong and fighting.
Remember we are all here for you.
Sending my love,
posted 22-11-2010 @ 10:02 PM www

OMG...........To say that i am totally speechless is an understatement.

Why do awful things happen to the nicest of people?

Peter if there is anything we can do to help please let us know. You have been such a HUGE part of the lottos family for so long, you are such a huge inspiration to all of us! Fight hard Rooboy, fight like you have never fought before, with your positive mind i am sure you will defy the odds! You have all the thought and prayers in the world comming from me and my family!
posted 22-11-2010 @ 10:03 PM www


May I send some Froggy hugs your way :)
posted 22-11-2010 @ 10:21 PM www

I am so humbled by your fantastic attitude to it all. Makes my whinges seem really stupid. I'm sending all the hope and prayers that I can to you. Keep up that positivity ... you're an inspiration to us all!

posted 22-11-2010 @ 10:40 PM www

An amazing and inspiring lottos member...keep up the spirit. All the very best.:spin:
posted 22-11-2010 @ 11:14 PM www

I love your fighting spirit Peter... truly inspirational!!!!

Makes me take a step back and realise that all my problems are petty and insignificant... when people out there are really being dealt the wrong cards!!!

Wishing you all the love, courage and support for the road ahead. We are all here with you.... xoxox :love::love::love:
posted 22-11-2010 @ 11:21 PM www

One can never underestimate the power of positive thinking and you sound like you have bucketloads and it will be the determination that you so obviously display that will get you through such a difficult time.

Reading all the posts here for you tells me you are much loved by so many who will be here every step of the way.

I feel so humbled that you are still thinking of others (encouraging people to get regular bowel testing).
What a beautiful soul you are who deserves a miracle!!

Love Louise
posted 23-11-2010 @ 05:31 AM www

I keep deleting what I've written because I don't know what to say.....I have missed you on lottos and never imagined what you were going through. All the very best for your battle ahead. Cyber hugs and prayers to you. Words just fail me....
posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:05 AM www

Rooboy I am praying for you. I can't believe how you must be feeling, and what you must be going through. It takes a strong person to deal with all of this and I know you will do everything it takes to fight this insidious disease.

((((HUGS)))) and best wishes for this fight of your life
posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:15 AM www

sending you the biggest hug ever. thoughts are with you rooboy.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:26 AM www

So sorry to hear this Rooboy, stay strong and don't let it beat you. I have had so many family members fight this terrible dissease and attitude and strength is what gets you through. Dad was told he had a couple of years left 16 years ago, he won the battle and is still with us at 81. I know he is one of the lucky few but miracles do happen. Keep strong and fight it, never give up.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:41 AM www

Keep strong and positive Rooboy

Sending positive thoughts your way
posted 23-11-2010 @ 07:18 AM www

Keep up your fighting spirit. You are an inspiration to all of us. Sending big hugs your way.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 07:35 AM www

Thinking of you RooBoy,
words fail me,

but thoughts are deep
Stay strong
In lottos land you have many support personal.
Strength in numbers, thoughts and deeds.

All you have to do is ask

posted 23-11-2010 @ 08:20 AM www

words fail me, keep positive, ((hugs))
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