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RooBoy is now fighting "The Big C"

posted 23-11-2010 @ 08:21 AM www

Stunned by the news RooBoy, sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks for you and your family.
Your positive attitude is inspirational and will give you strength as you fight this fight.
Sending you lots of prayers and positive vibes.:love:
Remember there will always be someone in your lottos family thinking anout you at this time.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 08:24 AM www

My thoughts are with you Rooboy....keep fighting xx
posted 23-11-2010 @ 08:28 AM www

Thinking of you Rooboy, keep positive and fighting.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 09:11 AM www

we are so blessed to have such a special, positive person like you Rooboy on this site. Cherish each day xxx
posted 23-11-2010 @ 09:42 AM www

If THAT attitude doesn't give you a boost, I would be very surprised.
Hang in and hang on..........we didn't get fingernails just to pick noses and scratch:yes:

Hope to hear from you from time to time:kiss:
posted 23-11-2010 @ 09:43 AM www

hello RooBoy, im sorry to hear of your illness...have you heard of Ian Gawler....he also was diagnosed many years ago (30?) with similar bad news but he went on to beat it....the human spirit and mind are powerful force....his story can probably be googled or better still you can contact the Gawler foundation, they are some where in the yarra valley area/surrounds.....his method of strict change in diet (very back to nature/natural organic foods) and mediation (non religious) etc have proved sucessful for himself and others.....He believes that medicine was originally derived from nature and thus nature is our medicine....its worth looking into (if you wish).....there is always hope where there is a will and a way....stay positive and strong! and watch happy movies to get those happy natural endorphins happening....wishing you the best!
posted 23-11-2010 @ 11:25 AM www

RooBoy, you are quite amazing, what a fantastic attitude you have . I know that will help you through the very hard times. Know that I am thinking of you and willing you on for battle you have to face.
Sending Huge Hugs
posted 23-11-2010 @ 11:42 AM www

Originally posted by Fozzie10
RooBoy, you are quite amazing, what a fantastic attitude you have . I know that will help you through the very hard times. Know that I am thinking of you and willing you on for battle you have to face.
Sending Huge Hugs

Totally agree Fozzie10 AND he's still tirelessly working, posting fantastic competitions for us all. We love your work're a legend!!!! Please make sure that you get enough rest and relaxation too though xox
posted 23-11-2010 @ 11:59 AM www

OMG....Im struggling here with your news. Im stunned and speechless, been sitting here for 5 minutes not knowing what to say. You said you wont cry but I certainly have. I will be praying for you and will be thinking of you all the time. I cant believe how positive you are. Your an amazing person.
I will be taking time to reflect just how special my family are and will take more time to let them know how much I love them. Things can change so quickly. Im very blessed not to be facing major illness battles with both my Hubby and Father-in-law. Last year hubby was mis-diagnosed with leukemia and Father in law also was given a grim diagnosios of cancer, but that turned out to be another more slow moving cancer-type thing that is so slow that most patient die of old age before it develops into full cancer.
It knocked the life out of me at the time and I haven't stopped counting my blessings since that we've been given a reprieve.

Sending a big ((Hug)) and prayers your way.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 12:26 PM www

Life really does seem unfair sometimes doesn't it? You have a great positive attitude though, give it all you've got and wouldn't it be wonderful to get a winning phone call from your doctor with some good news.
I wish you all the best.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 12:27 PM www

Rooboy, my thoughts are with you. I can't believe how positive you are, and hope your fighting spirit wins out. Sending you a hug (()) - take care.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 12:43 PM www

RooBoy, so so sad to hear your news.
Keep strong, you are in my prayers.
Sending hugs
posted 23-11-2010 @ 12:45 PM www

You are so brave and should be commended on how positive you are.
Take care and you know all your lottos friends are here for you.
Keep posting your great comps and we are here for you whenever you need a chat.

Thinking of you Peter.Big hugs from me. xox
posted 23-11-2010 @ 02:12 PM www

So sorry of your news Peter, my thoughts are with you and keep that fighting spirit going.

posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:11 PM www

My thoughts are with you Peterxxxxxxxx
posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:26 PM www
your very brave rooboy

Your a fighter I can tell Rooboy from yr post you just kick
them in the butt the big (C)...why cant cancer get cancer and
eat itself!!My best friends dad has just beaten it with a very
positive attitude after only been told he had 3 months and the chemo worked and shrunk tumour so I say stay yr bright positive self and have a good chrissy and kick cancer dont let it win...look after yrself rest when u can eat well laugh and know lottoers care ..all the best from starlily...
posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:29 PM www

Rooboy,Hang in there mate,Staying Positive goes along way to beating that dreaded Cancer,I have lost a few of my family thru the Stuff,But every day that you have is one day
more for them to find a Cure to get rid of it for good,
Scientists and Doctors have made great inroads to finding
a Cure for a lot of Different Types,So here,s hoping they will find a Cure for your type Tomorrow.We already know that you a Fighter so all the very Best for the Future.
posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:49 PM www

RooBoy, All my best wishes to you. You are an amazing person. Keep strong! Big Hugs
posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:51 PM www

So sorry to hear this news Rooboy. Hang in there and keep fighting. Best wishes to you and your family. xxx
posted 23-11-2010 @ 03:52 PM www

your COURAGE is shinning through Peter.....thinking of you and I certainly will be cheering for you x

posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:01 PM www

Best wishes and prayers from me too...
posted 23-11-2010 @ 06:28 PM www

So sorry to hear, chin up and say positive
posted 23-11-2010 @ 07:34 PM www

Take care
My thoughts are with you and your family x
posted 23-11-2010 @ 08:35 PM www

My thoughts are with you Rooboy, keep up the courageous fight and be sure to tell the big C to get F.

You have been a huge contributor to Lottos one of the many loyal members I recognize from when I first joined, I have been fortunate enough to have won a number of prizes from comps you have posted to which you have always been gracious in congratulating and to that I thank you Peter sincerely .
Take care and fight hard friend.

posted 23-11-2010 @ 10:03 PM www

You're attitude towards things is simply amazing.
Keep on fighting the good fight, as hard as it is.:thumbup:
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