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posted 3-7-2007 @ 10:24 AM www

not a winner but I'm posting in the hope it might get a few others to share their answers. it was such a specific comp I didn't think others would be overly protective.

this was a comp that had an extended close date AND they changed the question.

the first Q. Why you would like to attend the Rugby World Cup in France

I think it was 'in around 30 words" some of you will remember the hoo haa over their 25 wol in another comp they ran

Wallaby Stew is not what I savour
Boeuf Bourguignon has a better flavour
But a taste of Aussie beef in Bordeaux
would prove I'm a "True Blue" ra-ra raver

thought it was one of my best.
c'est la vie
posted 3-7-2007 @ 11:12 AM www

I like your reply. Very good and inventive too.
Sure beats mine which was along the lines of couldn't care less about rugby but if it means winning a trip to France I'll convert and become a rugby stalker.
Perhaps it was more poetic than that but i can't understand why it wouldn't have won ;)
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