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Buying Qualifiers at the Supermarket

posted 5-10-2008 @ 05:18 PM www
Buying Qualifiers at the Supermarket

I was at Safeway today (or woolies) and asked the check-out girl to put my 6 maggi packs through as 3 seperate transactions. She seemed annoyed and I felt bad for asking her to do so even though there was no-one waiting behing me.

I then went to Coles next door and again asked for seperate transactions for another comp and this time the guy was reall helpful and didn't blink an eyelid. He said he gets trolly loads of requests like this so mine was nothing...

So my question is... does everyone feel embarrased/guilty when buying qualifiers in seperate transactions?

What do you think would be the most transactions you could do without over-stepping the line?

And qualifier tips?
I've been on Lotto's a few months now and have just worked up the courage to enter qualifier comps...

Thanks :)
posted 5-10-2008 @ 05:27 PM www

Don't give a damn. Me Customer, they customer service. Don't worry about just do it. Mind you I live in a little counrty town and they see me coming and expect it now.

posted 5-10-2008 @ 05:34 PM www

The most I can ask for is 4 separate dockets without feeling too guilty.
posted 5-10-2008 @ 05:40 PM www

Unless a comp states you need to provide an original receipt I don't bother with seperate receipts, I just get it all in with my normal shopping.

posted 5-10-2008 @ 05:42 PM www

Originally posted by Webbi
Unless a comp states you need to provide an original receipt I don't bother with seperate receipts, I just get it all in with my normal shopping.

ditto :)
posted 5-10-2008 @ 06:31 PM www

The tricky thing now is that some of the tills automatically group same things together!! I used to deliberately put items separately. Say I was entering a comp three times - I would put one item at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end and that is how they would come out on the receipt. Now, the till computer automatically groups them together even though they were scanned separately and then they print the product description and underneath put "3 @ $1.50" and then the total. That's OK if you don't have to send a copy of your receipt but when I send a copy, I highlight the item that I'm entering with and it makes it a little difficult when it lumps all three of them together!!!
posted 5-10-2008 @ 06:44 PM www

Pinknutella I'm a newbie too -I think we just need to get over our embarrassment!!
My local store is Franklins, when I asked the first time the girl was lovely, said she could give me duplicate receipts. This seemed like a great idea until I got home & saw they are clearly marked "duplicate" - no good when you need an original receipt!!
Just don't take the kids shopping. Mine are teens & couldn't cope!!
posted 5-10-2008 @ 06:53 PM www

no different and probably actually quicker than if you walked in and out four or five times and got served each time......self serve check outs are good if your embarrassed.

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 5-10-2008 @ 07:12 PM www

There should never be a reason to be embarrased:)

What it comes down to is that the Supermarket is running a competition and whether or not the person serving you likes it or not, you are the customer and if the competition states that you need to enter the competition a certain way, as in reference to reciepts, so be it.:):):)

The person serving you is being paid by the hour, so it should be irrelevant to them who they are serving and they should just get on with the job at hand.:):):)

Fortunately for me, I don't have a problem, I always ask the person who is serving me, "I hope you don't mind, but can I put my products through separately" Usually I get a very positive response.:D:D:D

Whoops off my soapbox now:):):D:D:D
posted 5-10-2008 @ 07:36 PM www

My hubby gets embarressed but as I said to him, they are the ones asking for the seperate receipts so it's their own bloody fault lol
posted 5-10-2008 @ 08:05 PM www

The people that the supermarkets purchase from run competitions so said manufactureres & retailers i.e. supermarkets sell more products or heighten brand awareness...if they then ask for separate receipts then they've made the rules and everyone including checkout people should do what they're asked regardless and with good grace!!!

if they're not asking for separate receipts & really they don't often, then I just have everything on the one.

Don't be embarrassed it's your money. you're the customer...what does it matter if you want 60 receipts? what? Just do it & hold your head high!

I went to the butcher at 5:20 last evening and they were putting up the shutters and packing up & 2 customers were already there & I came up & asked for stuff which they had to get off the trolleys as the window display was cleared...the woman putting up the shutters actually swore behind me obviously because she was frustrated that customers like me still wanted stuff whilst they were packing up!!!!
What is it with these people, the supermarket is 10 steps to the right, is that where she'd rather I shopped? I bought $32 worth of meat that they hadn't sold yet!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o

As for supermarket checkout people, some are lovely, some aren't, those that aren't, you just hope you annoy them so me more!!! :P:P:P:P:P

posted 5-10-2008 @ 09:20 PM www

I work in a department store and when I'm on the checkout I'd rather put through umpteen small transactions for a polite, friendly customer than one for a grump. Just be nice and if they still don't like it it's their problem do it anyway. It's part of the job. :) Maybe that's the comper in me but I don't mind. :P
posted 5-10-2008 @ 09:42 PM www

If they're really rude, pick your items up, and go and tell the Service Manager what happened and tell them that you are not happy!
posted 5-10-2008 @ 09:51 PM www

I lie and say I need seperate reciepts as the items aren't actually for me, I am shopping for other people!

posted 5-10-2008 @ 09:57 PM www

lol beachluva...I wouldn't give a crap what they thought.. I wouldnt bother explaining myself:P it's their job...I've had no probs so far.

posted 5-10-2008 @ 10:21 PM www

True JB, time I toughened up!!!!! :P :D

posted 6-10-2008 @ 08:34 AM www

Thanks so much for your imput everyone...
Hopefully i'll get more confident eventually and you're right... the supermarket has gotta expect it if they want to advertise and accomodate the competition - meaning they'll get more sales and everything else that goes along with it.

I just can't help but feel silly at the moment especially when i get a grump!

I'll try pick times that they're not so busy - maybe early mornings

Thank youuuuu

:) :) :)
posted 6-10-2008 @ 09:46 AM www

Doesn't worry me a bit, I do seperate transactions when they require it in the T&C's. Mind you our Woolworths has self service checkouts now, and I love them. Scan one item, pay, scan another item, pay.....LOL
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