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TIP!!! How to make your www. links clickable

posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:18 PM www
TIP!!! How to make your www. links clickable

A tip for anyone that posts comps and realises that their web links don't work or for those that don't realise their links dont work.

If you type or copy/paste for example into 'URL of entry web site address' its not clickable.

How do you fix it:


at the beginning you must include http://

If you can't remember that just look at the top of your screen and notice how the full url of lottos is posted

Hope that helps a lot of you out :):)
posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:25 PM www

thanks heaps. I was actually wondering this tonight when I posted a comp. Now to just remember next time I post one.

posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:39 PM www

I have a question along those lines - when you click through some screens to a competition on a website, how do you paste that particular link which goes direct to the entry form? I don't know how.
posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:41 PM www

Is this what you mean???

When you are on the appropriate web page just look up and copy the url and then paste it into lottos.
posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:52 PM www

Yes, how do you do that? When I see the link and right click the mouse, it doesn't give me the option to copy and paste. It just says close, refresh, etc. Sorry if I seem dumb! :(

EDIT: Or do you mean the link at the very top of the page?
posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:56 PM www

You highlight then copy the web page address or link that is shown in your brower Internet Explorer or Mozilla or whatever you use.

It should once highlighted give you an option to copy or if you use Internet Explorer just highlight and Control C then Control V into lottos
posted 11-2-2010 @ 10:58 PM www

I think I understand now. Thanks for explaining. :D
posted 11-2-2010 @ 11:13 PM www

And it's not always http:, one comp I did was https:
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