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Puzzle Guru's, Mistake Makers or interesting tip - Pen to Check out

posted 25-9-2004 @ 04:12 PM www
Puzzle Guru's, Mistake Makers or interesting tip - Pen to Check out

Now, i'm not sure if this has been mentioned before or what but i cant' find anything on it.

In brief, my son's grandparents from scotland came over this week and his grandmother is into comps a little bit but mainly crossword ones. I saw her writing with this pen and then she made a mistake and she just literally rubbed it out.

So after chattng to her a bit she said it was the most awesome thing she's come across great for thos crosswords that u have to send in the full crossword or writing out that envelope and making a mistake and having to start a new one (i'm prone to this).

We looked in the local shops but couldn't find it, and by luck, i walked into my newsagency and thought nah they won't have it but low and behold, they had some black ones there. So i bought one, came home and like all new toys had to test it out.. Now this thing writes like a pen but rubs out like a pencil (if not better) It's awesome.. but then that is my opinion but thought i would let u guys know incase u might be interested..

Pen is called.... Papermate Eraser.max - It cost me $3.80 (in my opinion.. well worth it since sometimes i need 3 envelopes cause i make mistakes on them.. lol )

Click to get a bit of info and a piccie - Overseas Based site, but I have bought one in Australia.. lol
posted 25-9-2004 @ 06:56 PM www

that's a great tip angel thanks. and btw I love the first line you have about the right person not making you cry too true!:)
posted 25-9-2004 @ 07:02 PM www

I LOVE the Lovatts pens with the rubbers!!

Based on comments we have sent them over the years, pens have continuously come our way...

If anyone has any xtra Lovatts pens with the erasable rubbers, can u please U2 me?

posted 27-9-2004 @ 02:28 PM www

There was a big kerfuffle when these came out because the banks were worried about cheques being altered!
posted 30-9-2004 @ 10:15 AM www

Originally posted by pirate
There was a big kerfuffle when these came out because the banks were worried about cheques being altered!

that's a really interesting point!!
posted 3-10-2004 @ 05:41 PM www

"Erasable Pens
Erasable pens were tremendously popular when they were introduced in the early 1980s. They combine the readability of brightly colored or black ink with the eraser functionality of a pencil. While the pens are still manufactured under names like Gillette Eraser Mate, they aren't as commonly used as they were before.

What makes erasable ballpoint pens so different from traditional ballpoint pens is the "ink" -- instead of being made from oils and dyes, it is made of a liquid rubber cement. As you write, the ballpoint rolls on the paper and dispenses the rubber cement ink (the resulting mark is known as a trace). Modern erasable pens work by allowing a ballpoint pen to leave a definite and intense black or colored trace which looks like an ink trace, but is capable of being easily erased shortly after writing (usually up to 10 hours). After that time, the trace will harden and become non-erasable.
Erasable ink generally consists of 15 percent to 45 percent (by weight) natural rubber that is dissolved in a series of volatile organic solvents with varying boiling points. "
posted 21-10-2004 @ 08:27 AM www

found the pen at my local newsagent. What a great idea. Cost was $5.10
posted 18-12-2004 @ 03:39 PM www
Eraser pens

Thanks heaps

I think I go through at least three,
each time I address an envelope.

And then I get fed up and end up
sending them with lines crossed.
this tip will certainley help

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