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Customs Information, Passport Enquires & Travel Advisories

posted 11-1-2006 @ 12:49 AM www
Customs Information, Passport Enquires & Travel Advisories

Know before you go travelling

Overseas travelling advise, health warnings, travel advisory warnings, medications you can-cannot take into other countries.

Passports / Enquires

posted 20-7-2006 @ 03:26 PM www
Australian Customs-Bringing into, or taking out of, Australia, help site

Quick guide to customs for travellers for what can and cannot bring into Australia also what you must declare.

posted 16-11-2009 @ 12:27 AM www

If you have parents born in another country and i would like to say work in that country i have to apply for a special passport. Can anyone tell me what i ask for? Thanks::o
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