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what am i doing wrong

posted 5-5-2006 @ 09:56 AM www
what am i doing wrong

some of my losing entries,i`v been trying for a couple of i on the right track

Q. How does red balloon days and herbel essences let you live life to the fullest
A.Let my hair down life fulls my senses,
with red balloon gifts and herbel essences.

Q.Why would you like a side by side GE refrigerater
A.side by side is bold,
it keeps my food cold,
GE is the fridge for me.

Q.why do you want to own stihl ear muffs
A.cause i stihl have my hearing ,
and i stihl want to keep it.

Q. who would win if chuck norris and paris hilton were fighting over the remote 50wol
A.chuck and paris chalk and cheese,
going at it if you please,
with a flirt,in a world of hurt,
paris pulls at chucks shirt,
paris wins there is no dought
after chuck yells a kung fu shout.

all you long time winners could you tell me what i`m doing i going in the wrong direction.
thanx in advance
posted 5-5-2006 @ 10:13 AM www

Love the stihl

Try not to be disheartened, you never know what the judges are after.. or if they want humour, rhyme, or a serious reason... Just keep at it. What one judge rejects... could be another's favourite.

posted 5-5-2006 @ 10:51 AM www

I really like the stihl one as well, I cant give advice I havent won with a 25wol yet,
but like yippee said, its just a matter of what thye are looking for at the time,

hope a win comes your way soon,
posted 5-5-2006 @ 11:01 AM www

Your on the right track. Persistence is the key, and enter everything. One day you'll get a phone call and the smile will be on your dial.

I concentrate on 25 worders as I figure this is where I have a better chance. Some of my enries I was sure were going to win, but didn't, whilst others I entered and then thought nothing more of them, only to find they were winners.

I try, when I can to get the product name in the entry (not always possible or neccessary). I also find humour works a treat.

Here is one entry that I thought was going to be winner but wasn't.
It was the Sthil ear muffs comp

Wife nagging, kids screaming.
Peace and quiet, is what I’m dreaming.
Don my Stihl muffs, shut the door.
the sound of silence, for ever more.

Good luck, and keep plugging away.
posted 5-5-2006 @ 11:02 AM www

I really love the stihl one too.........

It is just really a matter of what catches the judges eye, I am sure they read through them pretty quickly if they have lots of entries (if at all)!!!!!

So just keep entering, I do, you just never know...

Good Luck
posted 5-5-2006 @ 12:41 PM www

I haven't been at it a long time but 90% of my wins seem to be 25 wol
I entered the same comps you listed and did not win
I loved your entries, I think just keep at it
have no idea what judges look for, I do rhymes, one liners, really lame things and all have won

this was my losing chuck norris one with the battle over remote:

Paris yells "you'll never have remote control power, let me keep it and I'll strip naked in your shower"! Chuck replies, "miss, just hand the remote over NOW or you will face a lethal KAPOWWW"!

keep it at and good luck ;)
posted 5-5-2006 @ 02:05 PM www

For that Paris/Chuck one, I wrote something to the effect of:

Paris would win without a doubt
She has the goods to take Chuck out
She doesn't need strength or power
Cause the chick's got a killer chihuahua

I know that's more than 25 words, but I cut it down somehow and that was the gist of it. I didn't win either.

For the Stihl comp, I went part chestnut, part original:

Discerning hubbies from all around <------chestnut
Choose Stihl for muffling household sound <-----chestnut
My wife's a nagger, this is true
So I'll need some earmuffs too

(I put the entry in for hubby as I couldn't think of a girlie one)

Didn't win either.

I think your entries are good mesh and the absolute only tiny thing I could say is watch your spelling, especially with the brand name (like Herbal Essences) because they may not like having the product name spelled incorrectly. But then again, maybe it's not an issue - who knows? :)
posted 5-5-2006 @ 02:14 PM www

the sthil one is very good...keep improve all the time
posted 5-5-2006 @ 05:52 PM www


gee with poetry like that i have no hope ever

I go into mental blank at 25wol
can only think of things like

If I win
I'll grin

posted 5-5-2006 @ 06:38 PM www

I think we have to accept that not all entries will always be read and that all judges are looking for something different, and that some 25wol comps are draws not judged.

Most of the things I win are from 25wol. I have tried all styles of entries and can never predict when I will win. There have been comps where I think I have the perfect entry and when I don't win and read what the winning entry was I think.....they have to be kidding......but thats just the way it is! It's best to hit the enter button and then forget all about it, that way if you win you get a nice surprise! Every entry you do is great practice for your entry in the next comp on the list.

And I agree with popetta, if I was a judge I would be a spelling nitpicker!;)

posted 5-5-2006 @ 07:53 PM www

thank you everybody it has helped lift my spirits
i will keep trying.i am a terrible speller i try to check everything in the dictionary.i did check the bottle of shampoo befor i entered but i couldn`t find it when i posted it .but when i checked my copy there was another word misspelled gotto laugh:D
posted 5-5-2006 @ 10:11 PM www

If you aren't a confident with spelling try preparing your entry in word with the spell check turned on then copy/pasting into the entry form when you are happy with it.

posted 6-5-2006 @ 09:23 AM www

Mesh you are bound to win with what you write....makes me envious actually. 25WOL cause sleepless nights for me...and I am no good at it for sure. GOOD LUCK, it will happen for you
posted 6-5-2006 @ 11:19 AM www

It is actually good to see that others aren't always winning too.
I am always so happy & excited to read what others have won,
I am not jeleous at all, but it is a bit disheartening when you enter 300 or more comps and don't win. I have NOW WON through a lotto's comp-Citronella incense sticks & a Continental Movie Ticket. Just a pity I don't go to the movies & will give it away. I don't even eat cup-a-soup.
Who cares, I fineally won.
I really enjoy reading the Winners Circle everyday.
GOOD LUCK to everyone, extra GOOD LUCK to those that have never won.
posted 6-5-2006 @ 11:31 AM www

I am still rolling over the earmuff one!!!! That is so good!!
I have an intense dislike of 25wol cos I never think of what to write, that is why store comps are my favourites just rip the barcodes off & send them in!!!!
posted 6-5-2006 @ 01:08 PM www

Hi - I really like the Stihl one too.

Make sure you check your grammar and spelling in your entries. If you aren't sure of how to spell a word - get a dictionary or just go to

In your first entry for example - you have 'fulls' your senses. That doesn't make sense and should have been 'fills' your senses. It is just simple little things like that that could mean the difference between being picked or not.

Good luck with it all though - and keep at it. The ideas are there you just have to be persistent :)

posted 16-5-2006 @ 11:28 AM www
Stihl Earmuff Win

I don't think they read all the entries. I won a pair of earmuffs from Stihl and my entry (I can't remember exactly what it was) was extremely bad. I had put no thought or time into it. I stihl can't believe I won. Don't give up sometimes it's just plain old fashioned good luck and/or:cool: persistence.

posted 16-5-2006 @ 11:33 AM www

I think the key to comping is keep entering and never give up mate.

It's very hard at the mo to win anything because there must be a lot of people entering and also I think prize winning is in lots like u win heaps then win nothing for awhile.

posted 16-5-2006 @ 02:03 PM www

Well I didnt win either I wrote
Extreme sport the choice.
Super <b>[Censored]</b> spoke her voice.

Talking to herself.
Removed remote upon the shelf.

Swearing, really, flustered.
Throw remote, broken, busted.

Chuck instead,
Grabbed that blond upon the bed.

Screaming, grunting, she had cum.
Both agreed Chuck had won.


2 play out your fantasy.
Stop dreaming and get a STIHL.
You could STIHL be in with a chance.
We are STIHL easy 2 start.
Didnt win either. No wonder:P:P
Just keep trying.
posted 16-5-2006 @ 02:24 PM www

I think that where you are going wrong is that you are losing faith! Keep entering and enjoy that journey.
posted 16-5-2006 @ 02:55 PM www

Really, really, really thought I was going to win the Humpty Dumpty comp - thought AT LEAST one of my entries had to be good enough. Or, if not good enough for the trip, at least good enough to be a runner up ...... WRONNGGG!!!!!:D

A couple of my LOSING entries were:

Humpty's got problems with his agility -
really quite a liability -
but in England - being a mate -
would ask Gordon Ramsey to whip him in shape.


King's men and horses should be sacked -
leaving Humpty lying cracked.
It's quite obvious now I've gotta
take him to england to an 'egg'cellent doctor!


Fed up watching telly -
Want to take Humpty to meet 'rellies'
And if in pub he 'downs the kegs'
that's ok we like pickled eggs!

Think I sent in five entries in all, and by the time I'd sent them off I'd decided I was quite brilliant::D:D. My ego has now been well and truly deflated!!!

Don't give up - It may not happen overnight .... but it will happen! (Now where have I heard that before):P Rosie
posted 16-5-2006 @ 03:21 PM www

they all sound good to me:):)
i'd hate to have to judge!!!!!!!
keep trying and trying what else have you got to do lol
good luck:)
posted 16-5-2006 @ 03:53 PM www

Sounds great to me Rosie!
posted 16-5-2006 @ 06:05 PM www

here`s my losing ones and i thought they were winners too

Chasing Humpty through the streets,
catching him will give me treats,
UK with Humpty the best adventure,
catching him will give me pleasure.

Eating Humpty yum yum yum,
United Kimdom,her i come,
memories of chocy on my flight,
Humpty gone in two big bites.

All the kings horses couldn`t keep me away ,
from following Humpty to the UK

C hocolate
A ttractions
D reamy
B reaks
United Kingdoom
R oyally
Y ummy

oh well i had heaps of fun trying
posted 16-5-2006 @ 11:58 PM www

Well mesh ... if you didn't win with your brilliant entries, and I didn't win with my brilliant entries .. Who did???:D
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