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My entry for Fuel TV bike comp

posted 24-5-2006 @ 09:59 PM www
My entry for Fuel TV bike comp

Well it obviously wasn't a winner, I still like it anyway ;)

Here is my entry for the win a GT bike with Fuel TV...... would love to hear some of the winner's entry's... congrats to all :D

If you won a GT bike where would you ride it and why?"

Against all possibility
I'd ride to the moon just like ET
Cause that's how awesome it'd be
If I won this prize from Fuel TV
posted 24-5-2006 @ 10:14 PM www

Heres mine,

Mates and I camp,
I dont have a bike,
They ride the mountains,
I have to hike,
Joining them over tracks,
is something I'd like.

My son is going to be stoked on his birthday when we pull this out...
posted 24-5-2006 @ 10:40 PM www

they are good entries... can see why they won, thanks so much for sharing
posted 24-5-2006 @ 11:00 PM www

Mine was written in a heart beat not expecting a win

I'd ride to the parallel universe to find all my lost socks!!! Apparantly a lady judged mine as she commented 'this is so funny, couldn't stop laughing, exactly what annoys me the most'.

ree22 I would think yours would have got there easily.

Goes to show you never know what pleases.
posted 25-5-2006 @ 09:06 PM www

All great entries, I can't seem to find mine, but it wouldn't have beaten these anyway. Well done people.
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