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HELP with 25wol please!

posted 26-10-2006 @ 07:25 PM www
HELP with 25wol please!

Hi All,

I am new to all of this and i am in desperate need of some guidance from all of you 25 WOL gurus.

What sort of things do the judges look for????

Do they like Humour, rhyming or what????

is there some format to writing them like a lymrick????

As i said i am a real NOOB when it comes to this, and would really appreciate some help or advise when it comes to entering these sorts of comps
posted 26-10-2006 @ 07:32 PM www

I never win 25 wol so have no idea :) just luck

posted 26-10-2006 @ 07:35 PM www

The best thing is just try your luck, you never know what exactly judges are looking for.

posted 26-10-2006 @ 07:43 PM www

G'day Maul76! Thanks for using me as your referrer...our mutual friend passed on the news to me...;)

The link above is a good way to see some of the things others have written and won or lost with.

Humour is often a great way to attract the attention of the judges.....but being UNIQUE is the best way...

Imagine if you read the same boring...

"I want to win because I really like this prize"

2000 times a day!@

Stand out from the crowd and you will be successful!

And always remember the comper's mantra.....ENTER, ENTER, ENTER!!
posted 26-10-2006 @ 08:58 PM www

If you want to win 25 worders you have to be consistent and enter lots. I started doing 25 worders 12 months ago now, and I have been lucky to have won 20 times, exactly.
I have entered over 300 competitions in this category, so that means my ratio is about 7% wins.

I find it easy to write down all the comps that I want to enter in a special notebook that I carry around with me. When I am driving, or mowing the lawn (or any other brain dead task) I am constantly think of a differant entry that needs doing. Sometimes they just come to me like a bolt of lightening, and I instantly think, 'That's winner'
Other times I struggle for weeks. Once I think I have a winning entry I tend to send them off before I start to think too much, and muck it all up.

I like rhyme and humor best. If I can include all this as well as the product name I have a good chance of winning a prize.

I don't use crudity, and I don't use more then the required word count.

Once you have done a few hundred or so entries it becomes a lot easier. But think about this: A lot of the 25 worders have major prizes (Holidays, cars etc...) so they are worth entering, yet the biggest thing you hear all the time from fellow compers is "I hate 25 worders". Read between the lines (less people entering, better chances of winning. So of these comps only have a few hundred entries !!!

A cousin of mine won a massive plasma TV in a shoppiong centre mall for a simple 25 worder she scribbled on the spot. She won because she was the ONLY, I repeat ONLY, entry for the whole week. Just goes to show what can happen.

Good luck and hope this helps.
posted 27-10-2006 @ 10:06 PM www

These might sound like pretty basic hints, but it is worth double checking your entry before you send. Don't damage your chances by making a simple error.

1. Run spell-check and proofread carefully. Misspellings and clumsy wording make it look like you don't care, and judges usually give the prize to someone who REALLY wants to win.

2. Make it legible: print in all caps or type your entry neatly. They aren't going to waste time trying to decipher poor handwriting.

3. Although prizes sometimes get awarded to people who have gone over the word limit, why take the risk? They say brevity is the soul of wit, so choose your words and sentence construction carefully. If you get stuck, leave it and come back another time. Inspiration may strike at any time, make sure you write down your brainwave when it hits!

4. Don't sabotage yourself by thinking of a truly original answer and then submitting 16 variations. You've just changed your wonderful UNIQUE entry into something they've seen before.

5. If it is one of those dreadful why do you want to win questions, don’t write: “I need this prize because my cat got run over and my mum’s got cancer.” It may be true, but it is hardly going to tickle the judge’s fancy. The best answers demonstrate why the prize is particularly suited to you. I won a hairdryer by saying I needed to be better groomed so I could join the Yummy Mummy clique at the school gates, sports shoes by saying I had a beer gut bigger than my husband’s etc.

6. Tailor your answer to the publication/company. If it is Famous Magazine, a girly answer is going to work, whilst FHM probably appreciate blokey humour. Cadbury are going to respond to a family friendly entry, whilst Ansell condoms can probably cope with something quite blue.

7. Humour and rhyming can work well, but much depends on what the judges are looking for that day... and who knows what that is? Try to be clever (but not too cutesy - they are looking for genuine entries). Incorporating the product name or catch phrase can also work. The main thing is to answer the question - it is easy to wander 'off topic' as you try to get your answer under the word limit. And be original... you have to stand out against all the other entries. Don't be afraid to illustrate your WOL or submit a 3D entry if the rules allow (and you've got the time or inspiration!)

8. Don’t sweat it. I think everyone has had the experience of submitting an absolutely BRILLIANT answer that is a sure fire winner. You spend the day the comp is judged camped by the phone, waiting for the winning call, mentally spending your prize money. Then a few days after they inexplicably didn't call, you see the winning entry and it is totally LAME – what were the judges thinking? Did they even read your entry?! ARGH! You’ll never know how the winners were chosen – sometimes it would appear that it is a random draw, so don’t get too worked up about it. Just…


And when you do win, post your answer here so we can admire it!
posted 28-10-2006 @ 11:27 AM www

Bonecrusher wrote:

I find it easy to write down all the comps that I want to enter in a special notebook that I carry around with me. When I am driving, or mowing the lawn (or any other brain dead task) I am constantly think of a differant entry that needs doing. Sometimes they just come to me like a bolt of lightening, and I instantly think, 'That's winner'

That is exactly what I do. I'm often sitting in a quiet spot at school waiting for the bell trying to think of a slogan!
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