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HELP Can't find an answer about this barcode question

posted 16-11-2008 @ 11:18 PM www
HELP Can't find an answer about this barcode question

Hi everyone:)

I was wondering if a competition does not state you need to keep the barcodes do you just keep the recipt?

Cheers rstwalker
posted 16-11-2008 @ 11:48 PM www

if its a one where you have to purchase a product to enter.I suggest you keep the barcode and the receipt so they know because if they don't want barcodes they certainly will want proof of purchase.which comp is it.
posted 17-11-2008 @ 12:27 PM www

Hi Petrie, Thanks for the reply. No particular comp just a bit unexperienced at this comping thing and my husband has a bad habit of throwing products out:mad: so I just wanted to find out how important keeping barcodes was in general if it doesn't state to in the terms and conditions. I usually grab recipts before he bins them. Cheers rstwalker:)
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