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Ok, So what am I doing wrong!!

posted 17-6-2008 @ 11:41 AM www

Too true wyvern_of_myst - we'll have to get serious!!!:D:);) I hate sob stories for entries so always tend to be on the funny tongue in cheek side, well that's what I think anyway.

Look, really you just have to stick with it and enter LOTS, sometimes what you think is LOTS is not compared to others but often it still only takes one entry. Keep brushing up your 25WOL entries, buy products, try SMS, give it all a go.

I get really down as I see heaps of winners for everything and my name not often there at all, & lots of lottoers win heaps, & I think I enter a LOT, but my only thought is if you DO NOT ENTER then you're assured that you'll NEVER WIN. If you look back on lottoes you'll find heaps of people whose names never appear again & they're sure not winning, so just keep at it.

Besides all that, it's an interesting place to be for a good interactive hobby. :):):)
posted 17-6-2008 @ 11:42 AM www

Originally posted by magnetica
I see some of you are really new so it takes time but I for some reason have a constipated chakra and need some major energy flow unblockage here. I went really well up until April last year (yes obviously rejoined again) but have been entering ever since. Over the past few months I have entered about 1,500 comps and have only won a few DVD's. I really don't understand it. I tell the universe that I want to win and even get into the mojo of thinking well a big one must be coming any day now.. I need a to totally saturate myself in lucky dust and wave a magic wand over me. ;)
I guess it's harder with so many more people entering. Something always spurs me on not to give up. :)

I hear baked beans are good for that magnetica!!!! ;);):P:P;);)
posted 17-6-2008 @ 11:54 AM www

Hmmm don't know if baked beans are good for unblocking energy flow but guess what I'm having for lunch :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
posted 17-6-2008 @ 01:35 PM www

I agree you have to enjoy it as a hobby. I love comping whether I win or not. I mainly win little prizes like movie tickets, make up, dvds, theatre tickets etc. It's enough for me....but then in the last fortnight and after 2 years of comping I've won 2 major prizes. You really just have to keep entering, entering, entering and one day it will be you getting the winning phone call!
posted 17-6-2008 @ 02:38 PM www

I agree Kismet, you just enter what you really can. I sometimes feel that I enter so many, and win nothing, and then at times Im not entering as much and the prizes show up.
I think there is no rhyme or reason with comping, thats what makes it exciting. At Christmas we went away for 2 weeks and on my return, my sister was in hysterics at the amount of parcels I came home to, there was just so many.

We have just got back from 2 weeks holiday last week and I was expecting a bench full after entering so many comps before I left, I walked in the door to zero!!!!!! LOL, was the most exciting part about coming home from holidays and nothing. Then stumbled across my name in a winners list for a nice prize, so you just never ever know.

I guess I enter what I can on any certain day in the time I have, never think about the comps again and then its a wonderful suprise.:D:D:D
posted 17-6-2008 @ 03:39 PM www

Well just be thankful because I have NEVER come home from anywhere to a porch full of parcels! I'M WAITING!!! :):):) Keep on keeping on & try & remember to have some fun along the way...note to self ;)

& we had baked beans for lunch too magnetica so mine and your blockages will be partly rectumfied, sorry, rectified!!! ;);):P:P:D:D
posted 17-6-2008 @ 05:20 PM www

Hey, kismet hope you won one of those "unclogging" Dysons with the really good air filters!;)

I'm still waiting on a porch full of goodies as well. This year's comping has been like pulling teeth.... painful. However, I will persevere - there must be a biggie with my name on it somewhere.:cool:
posted 17-6-2008 @ 05:33 PM www

This year all I have gotten is pain and haven't been able to enter many comps and what I have entered I won nothing all year. I have just started entering comps again still with pain and to the point where I cry because the pain is so bad. There just seems to be so many people comping it's just so hard to win. Everyone wants to win and the prizes r very few and far between these days.

I am still going to enter comps with this pain and also work on ways to solve my health problems like getting a new shoulder. I have ulcerative colitis which still isn't under control and getting my teeth fixed as well. I also my 74 day well nearly 75 lives here as well.

I think everyone just needs to keep entering comps and u will win. It's so hard living in pain like this I can tell u but I want better health and to win.

So happy comping and u will win. U have to be in it to win it. I hope some prizes start rolling up at my house soon. :) :)

Edit i've been so sick so haven't been able to enter much or year and when i'm sick I expect to much from myself.

Luck runs in cycles so it must be my time for good health and winning really soon.

posted 12-8-2008 @ 02:45 PM www

I also feel like I've entered millions of comps and am still waiting for a big win, will it ever happen, it's not through lack of trying. I've never won a 25 WOL either! I'm still holding out hope.
posted 12-8-2008 @ 04:14 PM www

Stargazer I'm with you still waiting. Ok I've had a few littlies but not for a while, I just keep telling myself it must be my turn soon. It is very hard to stay motivated though
posted 12-8-2008 @ 05:28 PM www

I have been entering pretty consistently for 20 years now. For years I won on average one prize each week. Mostly small prizes like movie tickets/DVDs...but sometimes more exciting ones. However over the past year or two I've dropped to about one per month. I am entering at least as many as before so don't know what to put it down to. Perhaps people are right, perhaps it's that the number of people entering has increased dramatically in the last couple of years.

In any case, I'm certainly not going to give up!!
posted 12-8-2008 @ 05:58 PM www

I agree coffee - I win on average about once a month and that's not usually anything of great excitement either, e.g. today I won a golf putter! woohooo - that's August's effort so far.

You have to be congratulated for persistence!
I think there's zillions more people entering and access is easier because of the internet and although the view is expressed that the more people who enter the more promoters will have more comps does not mean there'll be more to go round it just increases the number of compers again & reduces my chances.

posted 18-8-2008 @ 04:16 PM www

Id love to know what the secret it, i have always felt like a very unlucky person, i try and try and i never win. I know i have only been a member for a month but have only won 1 prize which was movie tickets. I feel like one of those sad people who never get anything and feel like i work so hard for things while everyone else around me keeps getting what they want.
It always feels like the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, which sadly is me!:(
posted 18-8-2008 @ 04:54 PM www

I think mandyandy we often get what we expect, so I think you might need to change your thoughts, and your language & your impression of yourself as it can just become a depressing self - fulfilling prophecy to think like that. Even if you don't win, life is great, to keep thinking like that will just infuse your whole body & being with negative energies.

Start some different self-talk, when u get up in the morning
"This is a new day - I've never been here before, it has endless possibilities!!!" I am free, I am loving, I am kind, I can help others to be the best they can be etc" this takes the focus off you
& then list
20 things you're thankful for...
it's amazing how you can refocus your energy just by simply changing what you say for one and then being disciplined about what you think.

I read something the other day...
try the "7 day challenge"!!!

Do not make any critical statements for just one week, PLUS do not think anything critical either. Man this is hard - I thought it would be easy, but it isn't.
Apparently it can transform your life!

Winning is just about "things" you this's a wonderful life poem posted by Dink, puts so much into perspective:-

Comping is just a hobby after all. I don't believe ANY-ONE is luckier than anyone else - I do think there is a law of attraction though.

WOW I think movie tickets in a month is GREAT anyway, lots of us win nothing in a month.

Be kind to yourself mandyandy. :):):):):)

posted 18-8-2008 @ 05:01 PM www

Originally posted by Christinamarina
Hey, kismet hope you won one of those "unclogging" Dysons with the really good air filters!;)

I'm still waiting on a porch full of goodies as well. This year's comping has been like pulling teeth.... painful. However, I will persevere - there must be a biggie with my name on it somewhere.:cool:

YES, I did CM, in Prize Rush the time before last, it IS the most fantastic vacuum cleaner I've ever had. Nothing is clogged in my house any more! :P

posted 4-10-2008 @ 06:54 PM www

Haven't won anything in a few weeks and am feeling flat :( But have been so inspired by The Winner's Circle and the Tips and Tricks that I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee right now and sit down and enter, enter, enter. I might even have a go at a 25WOL if I get motivated.

Thanks lotto guys and gals...ur such a nice bunch of people :) :)
posted 2-11-2008 @ 05:38 PM www

Guys, thank for all that positive stuff. Up until about 8 weeks ago I just dabbled using the site.Then, when I was home from work with sick kids I really started to get into it. Totally addicted now... but no luck at all. Couldn,t even win a vegemite frisbee and they had 3000 of those to give away!!
posted 23-11-2008 @ 06:23 PM www

The rule of thumb applies, you need to be in it to win it. In many of the comps you pay nothing to enter so financially you no worse off and with other comps, items purchased would have been anyway. Its best not to think about, will i win, i hope i win, i really need a win mentality and just have fun with.
posted 24-11-2008 @ 07:28 AM www

Quote by Kismet

Comping is just a hobby after all. I don't believe ANY-ONE is luckier than anyone else - I do think there is a law of attraction though.


Sorry Kismet but I don't agree with this - just look at the Cadbury Schweppes results in today's public notices. Multiple winners in this one. Sometimes I don't believe draws are run properly.

Also I think promoters get tired of seeing the same names and exclude them.
posted 24-11-2008 @ 07:44 AM www

Has anyone thought about people who may have worked in the industry then leaving and becoming a comper what an advantage that would be???!!!Knowing how things are drawn etc etc,

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 24-11-2008 @ 10:01 AM www

Originally posted by enchantedspirit
Has anyone thought about people who may have worked in the industry then leaving and becoming a comper what an advantage that would be???!!!Knowing how things are drawn etc etc,

That's a really interesting and valid question - I believe in mathematical probability and the way some people win - even with entering heaps, probability is against how many they actually win. I am wondering if the promoters only target certain areas/locations for different comps. You only have to look at today's public notices - multiple winners for one competition. I am sure there would have been 1000's of entries for this competition and 5 wins to one family - well you just have to wonder don't you.

I am not having a go at the comper but at the way these promotions are run. I believe that the Gaming Commission should have to oversee draws - that would keep it all above board and honest for every buying in order to win.
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