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need help

posted 27-11-2008 @ 03:50 PM www
need help

hey how is every one

im on the short list for the grl mobile comp thru the radio station hot 30

what they do is call a business and you got to convince the business that your a male ( like to hire a car you got to sound like a guy and talk like one

does any one have any good ideas ive been told to introduce your self straight up as a guy (a males name) say mate alot

any suggestions to sound like a male would be great there calling me tonight
posted 27-11-2008 @ 04:01 PM www

Sorry didn't understand any of that...some punctuation might help. ;)

posted 27-11-2008 @ 05:31 PM www

Put on a deep husky voice use a name like Bruce,
Bob etc....They are not going to question your sex either that or you could go the complete oppersite way and use your normal voie with a name like BRuce and act a bit gay....again they arent going to question it are they

Oh if you take the first option and they do question it ark up and start a fight with them as in how dare you question my sex,
posted 27-11-2008 @ 05:52 PM www

thanks for that i got a pretty masculan sounding voice to start with and talk a lot of slang so hopefully im right but i am female lol
posted 27-11-2008 @ 05:57 PM www

Ah, that's better...thanks jody2385 - I hope you win. I'd just go for normal voice, no-one is going to question your voice, there's all sorts of voices out there!!!:o;)

posted 7-12-2008 @ 12:22 PM www

How did you go Jody?
posted 7-12-2008 @ 12:55 PM www

regardless of how you go with putting on a voice, be really economical with your speech when tryin to sound like a bloke

most girls feel the need to go into great detail and explain things and apologise for things etc where as men just deal in the bare minimum when it comes to dialogue ...

ok ... i'm talking in general rather than specifics so hopefully haven't offended anyone.

yes, how did you go?
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