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Sex Drive Tickets - Winning WOL

posted 14-12-2008 @ 04:31 PM www
Sex Drive Tickets - Winning WOL

Tickets to see "Sex Drive"

Question: Whats the furthest distance you've travelled for a shag?

My response: Well, it's exactly 21 baby steps to get from my loungeroom to the bedroom

I was kicking myself afterwards for writing such a lame response & I could only enter once, so it was a pleasant & unexpecting surprise when tickets arrived in the mail :)

posted 14-12-2008 @ 06:58 PM www

Good answer,i won to but i cant remember what i said
posted 9-1-2009 @ 10:01 PM www

just goes to show with 25 wol - it really can be the first thing that pops in your head. lottojo sounds like you got your mojo! Congrats.
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