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A question to the experienced COMPERS- About sharing WOL

posted 14-12-2008 @ 05:25 PM www
A question to the experienced COMPERS- About sharing WOL

A lot of WOL comps I enter have in their terms & conditions that the entry becomes the sole property to them.

Does this mean I would be violating their terms & conditions by posting my winning WOL in here? Or is it just a violation to re-use what I wrote in another competition?

posted 14-12-2008 @ 05:44 PM www

If you wrote it, then it's your 'Intellectual Property' and you should be able to post it anywhere.
posted 14-12-2008 @ 05:52 PM www

I don't know about writing it here but if the terms and conditions state that once you write it it becomes their property it just means that if you win with that 25 word answer you cannot enter that 25 word answer for another comp because by ticking the terms and conditions you agree that the 25 words answer become theirs.thats what i presume it means
posted 14-12-2008 @ 07:17 PM www

I have always taken it as it is their property to do with as they wish. And liberally I always thought it meant destroying all the emails or archiving them etc

It is always the original author's property as it is written text and copyright law is very strict about this. In saying that if you use lyrics of a song to emphasise a wol entry who owns it???

I wouldn't stress too much about it ... but definitely take note when there is the term stating that if a wol entry has won before then to not use it again.

posted 14-12-2008 @ 08:24 PM www

I too have pondered this question. My guess is that you sign the rights over to them and can't use it to advertise or promote in any way. I don't think that posting it here would do any harm, but having said that I don't like taking risks.

I used to post all my winning entries here and leave them, but now, to be on the safe side, I only leave them up for about a week then remove them from the site. I figure that way at least the keen and quick lottos players get to share in the winning entry, the slower ones miss out.
posted 14-12-2008 @ 08:38 PM www

Have you changed your user name for lotto's to eyspy for lotto's:):)

Just trying to recall your winning entries:):):)


Originally posted by eyspy
I too have pondered this question. My guess is that you sign the rights over to them and can't use it to advertise or promote in any way. I don't think that posting it here would do any harm, but having said that I don't like taking risks.

I used to post all my winning entries here and leave them, but now, to be on the safe side, I only leave them up for about a week then remove them from the site. I figure that way at least the keen and quick lottos players get to share in the winning entry, the slower ones miss out.
posted 14-12-2008 @ 09:14 PM www


Yes I have. I used to have the user name of bonecrusher, I think I have posted in the vicinity of about 25 to 30 winning 25 worders which I eventually removed.
posted 14-12-2008 @ 09:27 PM www

Many thanks eyspy:):):)
posted 14-12-2008 @ 10:15 PM www

To the ex bonecrusher, I can now thank you, I rewrote one of your 25 words or less to win not one but four senso coffee machines from ages ago. Your sharing was generous and gave me the courage to enter 25 wrds or less comps. Thank you. I am still no good at 25 wrds or less comps but I give them a go now. You inspired me! Thanks eyespy!
posted 15-12-2008 @ 08:44 AM www

Glad I could help in you getting your share of the prizes lightening, it was others here that initially inspired me, and now I seem to have a knack for it. 90% of my wins are from 25 worders, and to date I have won about 30 of them ! I am wrapt, and hooked.
posted 29-12-2008 @ 11:38 AM www

Im a newbie, just joined yesterday, but am hooked on comping.

I thought that the answers becoming the property of the promoters meant that they where free to use your answer and publicise it or use it for thery own promotional purposes.

If you had a really good catch phrase imagine if they used it to promote for example "Nippys Orange Juice" only to find that "Golden Circle" have just printed the same slogan. Just my thoughts. They have the right to use your entry for promotional purposes.

Being dedicated compers you probably noticed a few weeks ago Thats Life and Take 5 printed the same photo of a pet kitten in the same weekly editions. They do state too that if you send in your pic and they pay you for printing it, you can not use it for another publications. Ooops. I also have recently noticed the same story in both mags (but a week or two apart).
posted 29-12-2008 @ 05:44 PM www

Thats life and take 5 are one and the same.... look at the postal address and the format is the same as well.
posted 29-12-2008 @ 05:53 PM www

Originally posted by Lightening
To the ex bonecrusher, I can now thank you, I rewrote one of your 25 words or less to win

I think this is the reason people don't share their 25 WOLs - I certainly dont want my winning or non-winning answers used by others and are not as generous as bonecrusher.

posted 29-12-2008 @ 05:57 PM www

Rychbytch, neither am I ...........actually, should I feel slack about that???? Nah, just competitive!!!!!:P:P:P:P

posted 30-12-2008 @ 04:49 PM www

I don't mind sharing, the gift of giving is sometimes worth more than the prizes on offer.
posted 15-1-2009 @ 08:58 PM www

Eyespy, Im glad there are still people around like you! Who get joy out of giving to others, thank you!!!
posted 15-1-2009 @ 09:40 PM www

I really don't think we should define a compers 'generosity' ... or lack thereof ... down to whether or not they share their 25wols.

But hey, I'm still gobsmacked that people think that having the privilege to view someone else's work, then gives them the right to snaffle them!!! ;)

posted 15-1-2009 @ 10:03 PM www

I would never dream of using someone elses work. I'd never even thought of it, wouldn't even cross my mind. Its like cheating at school. I sold something on ebay once and later saw the buyer resell it using my photos from the original sale. I felt surprised and a little annoyed to see my photos (and my feet) on someone elses listing claiming as their own. Its like stealing.
I like to read winning entries though, It helps to know if im on the right track.

All it really proves to me is that Im not quite good enough. I find them tough but will keep on trying. I think the joy of winning would be as great an knowing your literally skills are the best.

Obviously some of your are very good a what your doing. Good on you. It inspires me knowing it can be done. They are so damn time consuming. I think the best ones are the first thing that pops into your head. If you have to think long and hard about it, its probably not going to be very successful.
posted 15-1-2009 @ 10:24 PM www

I don't mind sharing, the gift of giving is sometimes worth more than the prizes on offer.
My thoughts too , I find that the ones that are shared encourage me to keep at it & also helps to know what some promoters are looking for .
eyspy formally bonecrusher , have noticed a few posts of yours where others have mistaken you for me .:):):)

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

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"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


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posted 16-1-2009 @ 07:35 AM www

Like Rad I am absolutely stunned to think that anyone would think it was fairgame to use an entry that had been posted here. And its nothing to do with generosity!

If someone posts a winning or losing 25wol it's still their intellectual property, its not available for others to use as their own. Posting it for others to view is generously sharing the type of entry that the judges chose, to give others a better idea of a style that may be successful...or not.

Sadly RB is right, many people no longer share their 25wol (myself included) because some others may not respect their ownership of the entry.

posted 16-1-2009 @ 08:13 PM www

I got stung by a supposed friend just a couple of months ago. I had won a 25wol comp last year with a short and witty quip. I told her about it. She entered a comp using my 25wol and told me thinking it was funny that she had taken my answer to try and win something for herself. I got very dark on her and I dont share my entries with anyone after that experience.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!

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Nov = any minute now......
posted 16-1-2009 @ 09:02 PM www

Its a shame it is a possible situaton. I like reading winning entries but I can understnd why people dont wish to disclose them. I would never, im a million years, think of using something someone else wrote. Its no different than signing your name on someone elses art work or copying school essay's or cheating in an exam. Its not you who won its someone else.
posted 17-1-2009 @ 05:23 PM www

I'm the same komala, I just love to read winning entries...makes me feel better that I didnt win with my "brilliant" wol...when I see someone's truly brilliant wol! And reminds me that all judges are different so I should try different things!
But sadly not everybody can be trusted to play by the legal and ethical rules so everyone misses out!

Shame when its a friend who steals your entries, though I must admit, once one of my relatives saw a couple of my entries, told me they won a prize from a magazine a few weeks later, using my idea! You can choose your friends...but not your rellies!

posted 17-1-2009 @ 05:37 PM www

There was actually a whole site dedicated to winning WOLS(it had hundreds) I found on the internet a year ago or so. It was interesting browsing through all the winners and seeing what they had written. I can't re-find the link...does anyone happen to have it??

But stealing is bad. I guess that's also why I dont post them on here. Not just stealing but people can use some of your ideas....and then it just doesnt have the same affect I guess.

posted 17-1-2009 @ 06:39 PM www

Do you mean this lottos one JellyBean:
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