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/ WA / 6PR - Howard's Heroes

posted 10-1-2009 @ 10:32 PM www
/ WA / 6PR - Howard's Heroes

In 2009 the Drive Program on 882 6PR is extending and will be broadcasting 2-6pm Monday to Friday.

As part of the new line up we are launching a segment called "Howard's Heroes".

From January 12 Howard Sattler is asking you for nominations of people you believe have gone above and beyond the call to help others.

Selfless, caring individuals who have made life a whole lot more comfortable for their fellow human beings.

We'll announce weekly winners and at the end of each month the best nomination will be our guest at a special "Howard's Heroes" dinner.

The culmination will be the award for "Howard's Hero of the Year" who with a partner, will be the recipient of a return interstate trip for two.

Entries, by email, should be sent to

posted 10-1-2009 @ 11:52 PM www

thanks for posting the comp, RB
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