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Has anyone won a car from The Mag comps like That's life?

posted 3-9-2008 @ 01:33 PM www
Has anyone won a car from The Mag comps like That's life?

posted 3-9-2008 @ 01:36 PM www

Yep I won a hummer yesterday!!!!

A remote control one.. Tee Hee:D:D

posted 3-9-2008 @ 01:37 PM www

ooo- you got me there for a second!!
BTW congrats
posted 3-9-2008 @ 02:01 PM www

I wanted to know the same question?;)
posted 3-9-2008 @ 02:09 PM www

not me, but know of someone who has, normal entry nothing special about the envelope
posted 3-9-2008 @ 02:53 PM www

I am so glad to hear that you know of someone who won Zazu... :)
posted 3-9-2008 @ 03:15 PM www

Yes i was lucky enough to win one a few years ago from take 5 - fantastic call after entering every week.
posted 3-9-2008 @ 08:58 PM www

i have noticed winners from my area but when asked around no one knows anyone by the name listed???? wonder sometimes where these people are myself - is that what you were thinking IWOULDLIKE2WIN?
posted 3-9-2008 @ 09:01 PM www

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but a lot of the major winners from Take 5 and That's Life seem to come from Alice Springs and Bunbury!!
posted 4-9-2008 @ 11:05 AM www

Knew someone that one a car when That's Life first started.

posted 4-9-2008 @ 06:05 PM www

No not really spunksay1964.
Just need some motivation to keep buying the magazines and entering. I haven't won anything from them yet and was curious.
posted 2-10-2008 @ 06:08 PM www

I win 2-3 smaller prizes from TL & T5 each year, as has a friend in QLD but never any cash (not even $50) & never any large prizes.
posted 2-10-2008 @ 06:31 PM www

my sister has won one, take 5 I think it was, a while ago now

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 2-10-2008 @ 09:06 PM www

I know of someone who won one, they won a very very small car and they were a more volumptous larger frame, unfortunately they did have a rather nasty accident in the vehicle so its not around anymore (the person is though!)
posted 2-10-2008 @ 11:55 PM www

Yes , my son's girlfriends mum did & gave it to her , little Holden Astra I think it is .

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 23-10-2008 @ 04:22 PM www

I enter them week after week trying to win the car. No luck yet...

I've won bits and pieces from Take 5, but not one prize at all from That's Life.

posted 23-10-2008 @ 04:44 PM www

I'm sure I read that a new member won one last week
posted 23-10-2008 @ 05:13 PM www

Cass is correct, a member won a Toyota Yaris very recently from Take 5.

CompTracker, first ever competitions tracking system!
posted 23-10-2008 @ 09:41 PM www

I have been buying both these magazines since they started as I like doing puzzles, and I haven't won a thing from either of them. I do think I got a bonus puzzle book once! I seem to do better with other comps than these mags but I enjoy the puzzles and it keeps the brain ticking!!
posted 16-1-2009 @ 01:44 AM www

Hi iwouldlike2win

How's this for a story?

A few years ago my niece started entering the Take 5 and That's Life! puzzles (many years after I did) and often came over on a Thursday night to check her answers (more like steal mine really, but I didn't mind).

In December 2005 she rang me to say she had won the Toyota Yaris in Take 5. At that time she had only been entering for about 5 months. Although I was pleased for her I actually felt frustrated at the same time.

I thought I would never win a car now that I knew someone who had. But guess what?

A year to the day, I got a phone call from Take 5 to say I had won a Toyota Yaris as well. At first I thought it was a joke but 11 weeks and a day later there was the car delivered on the back of a truck right to my front door. I didn't have to do a thing except choose the colour.

It's still a little hard to believe that we both won a car but we did. :)

My niece doesn't have the car any more (she sold it a year later and bought another), but I still have mine. It runs like a charm and takes very little petrol.

So, you can see that truth can be stranger than fiction. I never thought it would happen to me but it did. I still have the feeling I will win another car too.......
no harm in positive thinking.

So, good luck with your quest to win big!!!!! :)
posted 16-1-2009 @ 02:24 PM www

I've been entering the T5 & TL comps every week for 3 years i think. the only thing i've won to date was some coasters (they were hologram ones though so v spesh) ;)

i've been a member here for 1 week and i just got movie tix in the mail :)
posted 21-1-2009 @ 02:06 PM www

I like the car story - very cool.
As for me, I have won a puzzle book - but was excited as at least I knew my envelope was drawn.
Can someone confirm that if you win something, your entry form goes back in the barrel for the other prizes too?
Cheers and good luck!:D
posted 21-1-2009 @ 03:20 PM www

NLEAEDWARDS I was told they photocopy the entryform when it`s drawn for a prize and then return it to the barrel, although I doubt it would be redrawn as it would be out of the envelope so they would know it had already won a prize ;)
posted 30-1-2009 @ 03:51 PM www

I have been entering both Take 5 and That's Life for over 8years now, Never missed a week and have only won a few small odd prizes here and there.

I would love to win the car one day thats what keeps me entering. But i must say i do also enjoy doing the puzzles each week. ;););)
posted 14-2-2009 @ 07:00 PM www

OCW thats a fanastic exciting.
I have been buying that life for years. I always thought it would be impossible to win and considered my self unlucky. Mind you after having my first child my purchase came sporadic and and I also was one of those that never got around to putting in my entry.

6 months ago I decided to give a go more seriously and haven't missed a week. (sorry I did miss the one before xmas cause I didn't have time to finish the puzzles) since then I have won several from ring and wins. The biggest surprise was a washing machine/dryer combo worth $3000 from Take 5. I put in about 30 entries. Last month I got my first random draw, a Christian the LIon DVD. It is inspiring knowing that my envelope can be drawn out of the barrel and it just as easily could have been the car or massage chair (that another member recently won). So Im going to keep trying.
A lady I know has have her name in there 3 times in the last few weeks.

I also noticed someone a couple of weeks ago someone won 2 prizes wortht around $250. Their envelope obviously got redrawn about 3 envelopes later. Its not the first time I've seen the same name twice. So they must return the envelopes. OR someone buys heaps of mags.

Im hanigning out for the car too, that would be so exciting.
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