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A question to the experienced COMPERS- About sharing WOL

posted 17-1-2009 @ 06:51 PM www

or was it
posted 18-1-2009 @ 11:32 AM www

None of those;) I mean it had the actual winning entries of the competition and what the winners wrote. Poems & poems full, witty one liners etc maybe they took it down...Used to be organised by Year. 'Winning entries for 2007' etc

Winspiration looks interesting though ;)

posted 18-1-2009 @ 01:19 PM www

I have shared one or two winning WOL entries in the past - however to be honest I write them off the cuff and forget about them. I couldn't remember tomorrow what I'd written today.

I think some sites have a certain genre and style of WOL answers they look for - eg: i have won a couple of things from urban cinefile using mothing-in-law jibes, and some other sites like slap stick humour whilst others take a more serious tone. I always thought posting winning WOL answers was for this reason only - to get a feel for the site, not for taking the WOL answer and plagerising it.
posted 22-1-2009 @ 10:23 AM www

totally agree with you.
I enjoy reading the winning posts, to get a feel for what each company/website is looking for.
eg. I just posted my winning one for Australian Good Food magazine, using silly food-related humour, and zoo magazine, I've always won with smutty answers. I enjoy reading the ones that are posted for this reason, it would never cross my mind to plagiarise someone elses work. I like seeing how clever everyone is too, and sometimes its also good to be able to compare what you wrote against their winning ones, to see where you went wrong.
posted 22-1-2009 @ 11:14 AM www

I think some sites that have regular (eg weekly) 25 wol comps , may not necessarily choose the best literary or creative answers all the time but try to share their wins around so the same winners don't win all the time. These are not major prizes , but movie tickets etc. Probably encouraging everyone to go to their site reguarily.

I'll tell some of my 25 wol to a couple of friends and family (who are interested), often they are critics. Most non-compers aren't interested.
I personally feel what I write is kinda like a 'copyright' for me and company I sent it to.

Thats only my opinion. We're all different and people will share in whatever way they want to.
posted 22-1-2009 @ 11:36 AM www

I have to admit, when I read this thread a few weeks ago, I thought... Oh My Gosh! I'm officially never posting a wol answer again!!

I'm so disappointed that we can't sharies answers without the threat of someone abusing the privilege to read it. I consider myself 'lucky' reading any other wol, as an insight into what particular companies are looking for, or just how clever some lottoers are.

I usually share my answers with partner, bf or family... they either think its hilarious or just nutty... either way I win, cause its forgotten as soon as its said:)
posted 18-2-2009 @ 02:36 PM www

If you create an original wrtten work, you automatically have copyright over it. However under the Copyright Act, copyright can be assigned to a third party and this may be what you are agreeing to under the Terms and Conditions of a competition or it may just be that you can't use those words for another competition - read the fine print to be sure. Under the Copyright Act, you also have moral rights over the work, even if you have assigned copyright - this is to do with how your 'work' is used. For example, if your work was to be used in a jingle, in theory you have moral rights to be attributed as the author and how it is used. You can look at the act online or go to the Copyright council's page for an explanation of the act
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