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How I won movie tix to Four Holidays

posted 9-12-2008 @ 01:04 PM www
How I won movie tix to Four Holidays

35wol Q- With whom would you most like to spend Christmas with and why?

A- With my man and my two boys. To watch my two little one's eyes pop with wonder on Christmas morning and seeing the smile on my man's face as we watch on.

Won Double pass to Four Holidays.:)
posted 19-12-2008 @ 12:23 AM www

i enterd a comp with a similar question and i wrote a similar answer....maybe i will win too....
posted 22-1-2009 @ 09:55 PM www

Actually I entered one a couple of days ago with a similar question and the gist of my answer was the same, a few less words - only had 25 to work with LOL..

Will keep my fingers crossed that a good pattern has been made :)

Congrats on your win
posted 23-1-2009 @ 12:17 AM www

congrats on your win :):)
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