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2nd Win - 1st WOL win

posted 27-1-2009 @ 07:31 PM www
2nd Win - 1st WOL win

woop! well have been a member here for I think a bit over 2 weeks and have had 2 wins....

1 - movie tix to Valkeryie
2 - get home from work - eagerly run to mailbox (i'm a tragic already?) and YAY i've won a 2009 Australian Wine Annual guide book.

WOL: Why do you want to win one of these books?

A: Because I'm 6 months pregnant and I need to catch up on all the wines i've been missing.

I didnt' think it was GREAT but yay i won anyway am psyched. goes to show trying is worthwhile.
posted 27-1-2009 @ 07:35 PM www

Congratulations teamhippo:):):)

May there be many more wins come your way:):):)
posted 27-1-2009 @ 07:53 PM www

Good for you! Fun answer :)

posted 27-1-2009 @ 08:01 PM www

congrats team hippo, well done.
posted 27-1-2009 @ 08:33 PM www

Too cool!!!! Well done mkelly3238!
posted 27-1-2009 @ 08:36 PM www

And another formerly sane, hard working member of society falls under the spell of comping.....;)
posted 27-1-2009 @ 09:18 PM www

Well done. It doesn't take long to become addicted. Waiting for the mailman is the highlight of the day and everytime you hear a car you jump up to see if its a delivery van.

Glad Im not the only one that does it
posted 28-1-2009 @ 01:22 PM www

It was awesome cos i've been rabbiting on to my partner about how 'i'm gonna win something, neener neener and then you won't tease me' (he's been teasing me for spending a LOT of time on computer) and lo and behold i did. i think i'm more addicted now.

thanks to all for great site and adding comps.
posted 28-1-2009 @ 02:28 PM www

well done! here's to more wins :):)
posted 28-1-2009 @ 03:24 PM www

I love it when newbies get all's still like that for me 13 years on! Well done and congrats to you!!
posted 30-1-2009 @ 12:51 PM www

Yay - well done (and congrats on being pregnant!). I am a newby too. Isn't this fun LOL...
posted 31-1-2009 @ 10:21 PM www

Congrats TeamHippo (love your name - suppose you're feeling a bit like a hippo right now, being 6 months pregnant). Hey you have the best prize of all coming your way soon! Keep up the good work. I'm addicted. Just wish I could figure out how to pst comps because I find so many but don't want to do anything wrong and post a doubler or forget T&C or something like that. Cheers! :D:D:D
posted 1-2-2009 @ 08:30 AM www

That's fabulous - well done!

You've given me the confidence to enter wol's now.... I just never knew what to say??!!
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