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Am I dreaming?

posted 15-7-2009 @ 06:45 PM www
Am I dreaming?

I am sure that yesterday I heard on the radio (foxfm) something about a competition to win a skiing holiday in Japan. They gave the web address and i thought to myself "I will remember that".....But I am hopeless and I have no idea what the address (or who promoter was).
I have searched Lottos, I have googled and I have listened to the radio today to try and catch the ad again. Was I dreaming or did someone else hear the comp????
Please help.
posted 15-7-2009 @ 07:12 PM www

Sorry, cant help, hope someone can.
posted 15-7-2009 @ 07:15 PM www

Thanks Caledonian.
I just realised I put this in 'share your entries' by mistake.
Oops. sorry
posted 15-7-2009 @ 07:15 PM www
posted 15-7-2009 @ 07:18 PM www

Oh wow. That's it.
Thank you lpratt!
You are a legend.
posted 28-12-2009 @ 02:48 PM www
Reply for FMH

The skiing holiday might have been with

But they only pay for accommodation and lift passes (even though it is $6000). You srtill need to pay for airfares and other costs (they say $2,950 per person) and you have to pay that fee within seven days of winning. That's fine if you're loaded!!!

This comp is not for me...
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