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How many times do you enter?

posted 4-8-2009 @ 11:35 AM www
How many times do you enter?

Just wondering how many times you enter purchase comps and unlimited comp entries? Should I just keep entering everything once as I have been or should I concentrate on a couple of competitions and enter like crazy?

What have you found to be the best tactic?

posted 4-8-2009 @ 12:33 PM www

an entry or to in as many comps as you can find

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 4-8-2009 @ 01:07 PM www

I only do the unlimited ones once or twice (but I rarely win them)
For purchase comps I try for as many entries as possible but within what my budget is comfortable with.
If it's a product I use anyway, then I stock up. If it's a great prize but I wouldn't use the product, I weigh up the odds and decide whether the cost is worth the entry. (I try to think of it like buying a raffle ticket.) I've had some good wins from products I'd never use, but I do find that if I actively hate/dislike a product then I don't win their comps!
posted 4-8-2009 @ 01:13 PM www

Pirate - thanks I was actually wondering the other day if anyone actually wins the unlimited entry comps and whether or not it was worth entering them. I saw a purchase competition the other day for a product I never buy and wondered if it was worth it to buy it anyway. Never thought of it like a raffle.....good I can justify those extra purchases haha

posted 4-8-2009 @ 01:14 PM www

Do you have sweep? You can put unlimited comps on there and go to it daily, which is what I do. I don't do WOL unlimited more than once or twice, too hard to come up with! Purchase comps depend on the purchase, eg potatoes we get every week, so the baking dish comp is a goer every week. I was banned from buying more toilet paper however! And I have enough vitamins and face creams for years. You have to decide on a budget, both for finances and the time you spend on comps. All the best :)
posted 4-8-2009 @ 01:58 PM www

sabina, do what your budget can stand, and it is often the luck of the draw. I do mainly web comps, very few entries even if unlimited, and have won quite a few items, e.g. makeup, books, movie passes, DVDs, etc. I only entered once into a toilet paper comp and won a $500 voucher, whereas other folk entered lots of times and won nothing.
I joined lottos last December and have actually won at least one small prize every month.
Good luck with your entries.
posted 6-8-2009 @ 11:06 AM www

RE: SueCat17 post above, there is a thread about sweep
posted 19-9-2009 @ 10:57 AM www

I normally put 3 entries into all my product comps. I once read a book called The Key is 3. the book didnt really make much sense but I find 3 is a good number. if it is a product comp I send one entry is at the beginning of the comp, one in the middle and one near the end. I even buy 3 copies of Thats Life and take 5 hoping to win the C.A.R. (3 letters). This is a very nonsensical sort of theory. But better than none? :D

posted 19-9-2009 @ 11:13 AM www

I enter once per comp .... unless its a SMS and phone and web, then I enter once per method of entry.
posted 19-9-2009 @ 11:56 PM www

Usually I enter small prize comps once or twice.
I entered a movie pass comp recently for the movie
"the young victora" only once and won.:P
posted 13-1-2010 @ 12:02 PM www

All depends on the comp and how lazy I'm feeling. With a purchase required, I only enter once or twice. I can't justify buying ten tubes of toothpaste when I only use two or three a year.

If it's an unlimited or daily entry comp, and there is no 25WOL on it, I mark it as a FAVOURITE, and then I go back every day and enter. I can only be bothered making up one or two 25WOL answers, though I did hear of someone on this website who impressed the judged by her dedication in entering a 25WOL answer everyday and won the prize.

My theory is if you waste too much time and energy stressing over a prize you really really want, someone else who entered only once is bound to win it. I believe it's one of the laws of comping. LOL. :)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 12:05 PM www

I pretty much only enter once. If its something I really really want I will have hubby enter too, but generally only once.:)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 12:44 PM www

I only ever enter once ... or if its a phone, sms and mail etc, then I will enter once via every medium. Unless I have to buy something, then I buy one, make a choice which one I will enter by, and thats it ;)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 05:01 PM www

Purchase comps - on average once or twice but if I buy the product already regularly then I'll enter more just with what I normally buy e.g. Creative Gourmet berries - say once every week to 10 days. Sorbent comp of recent times to win the 1st Class trip to UK - about 20, but we use it, so not wasted. I VERY RARELY buy something I don't use just to enter a comp. e.g. I'd never buy cat food if I didn't have a cat. I've probably never entered a purchase comp more than 20 times.

Unlimited free entries e.g. the LifeStyle Channel or something like that I do as many as I can be bothered doing as it's so boring.

SMS as many times as I feel I want to spend dollar wise...with the Hong Kong trip I won with the racing channel - I wanted the car - & probably entered 80-100 times and won the Runner Up prize which wasn't too shoddy! Just luck as someone with one entry probably won the car!!!

25WOL unlimited - very rare for me to enter more than about twice. I always think my answers are so good that that's all I'll need anyway!!!!!!:P:P:P:P It's working well.;););)

posted 2-3-2010 @ 08:19 PM www

I just try to enter as many things as I possibly can. I still think the old saying 'you have to be in it to win it' sticks, and you just have to be lucky whether you enter once or a million times!
I also only enter the purchase an item ones if I really need the product. I still think they are the easiest competitions to win as many people dont enter comps, or stuff up with throwing the receipt out etc. If it is more hassle to enter it is probably better odds... but again you have to be lucky - so good luck! :D
posted 29-10-2010 @ 05:51 PM www

Most things only once, but sometimes I get carried away.

Lately I've been thinking I should enter the daily entries more often because I never seem to win there.

I get lots of wins on unlimited entry but I only enter once. My theory is that unlimited is overwhelming and so lots of people do what I do and only enter once. :)
posted 29-10-2010 @ 05:58 PM www

Usually once :)
posted 29-10-2010 @ 08:35 PM www

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