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ANY ADVICE - Saving your 25 wol

posted 15-6-2008 @ 12:04 PM www
ANY ADVICE - Saving your 25 wol

Does anyone save their 25 wol to reuse for other comps?

Would appreciate any help as what I am doing at the mo is not too good. I'm using Excel and all the comps I enter using 25 wol I place in tabs ie travel, mothers day etc etc. Other info like close date, what the comp is etc go next to the 25 wol.
It is getting somewhat messy now, so any help or advice would be appreciated

Someone posted an excel spreadsheet "Prize Winning Spreadsheet" that I use now and couldn't live without. It just needs to be filled up a bit more with my winnings!!:D:D:D:D
posted 15-6-2008 @ 12:19 PM www

Wow!!!! I just save mine in a word document and I have to sift thru them to find any that may match....have about 54 pages of them..... never thought of putting them into files or groups............that would be too organised.
I usually reuse or rephrase them to match the comp..... have won a few things on 25wol but usually on the ones I think aren't that good.... my "brilliant" ones don't seem to win. Sigh!!!!:(

posted 15-6-2008 @ 12:47 PM www

I save some just in my email draft folder.
posted 15-6-2008 @ 03:12 PM www

Mine either frizzy! :(

I just save mine in Word and do a search if I want to go back to something extremely brilliant & revamp it! HA

I do mine like this, the headings are bolded & the entry is in red:-

Entered:- 15/02/2008
Who with:- WHO MAG
Prize:- Who/Womans Murder Club Trip for 4 to San Francisco and 20 Runners Up Book Packs*
One (1) major winner and three (3) selected friends (four in total) will win the following:
Economy return flights for 4 people from the winners nearest capital city (Max value each $2,630) Taxes not included. Prize valued at a total of $10,520
4 star accommodation in San Francisco for 4 people for 5 nights valued at $5,000
Value:- $10520
Ends:- 25/02 Results: 29/02/08
posted 15-6-2008 @ 05:56 PM www

I save mine in an Excel spreadsheet. I have one spreadsheet and just have worksheets (tabs) within that spreadsheet.

I have a worksheet for 25wol entered. My other worksheets are for prizes won - that includes various entry methods. When a 25wol comp wins, I cut and paste that row out of the Entered worksheet and into the Prizes Won 2008 worksheet. (yes I have worksheets by year and then I have a tab totalling all those tabs called Prizes Total).

Has anyone got a link to the spreadsheet mentioned above? I'd be curious to see if it's similar to mine.


posted 15-6-2008 @ 06:09 PM www

I just write mine in an exercise book (Tudor Comp) with comp entered & prize +date drawn , have also been finding some old 1's on scraps of paper which I'm adding to the exercise book .Would not know how to use a spreadsheet but really would like to , was hoping the Computer Course with the laptop would include all that type of thing .

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posted 16-6-2008 @ 01:52 PM www

Why don't you save them in Word instead gypsy? - so much easier to find and copy & paste for editing etc.
posted 8-7-2008 @ 03:37 PM www
Prize Winning Spreadsheet

The "Prize Winning Spreadsheet" mentioned above sounds like it
might help with my record keeping. Anyone know where it lives on the forums. please?
posted 27-7-2008 @ 06:46 PM www

This is a good idea. I don't keep track of my entries, then wonder what I could possibly have written when they tell me I've won.
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:11 PM www

Same here , just save in word document. Mind you I havent had to reuse any, as none of them have been winning ones. LOL:P
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:17 PM www

Originally posted by bandkh
The "Prize Winning Spreadsheet" mentioned above sounds like it
might help with my record keeping. Anyone know where it lives on the forums. please?

I think dizzy had that wonderful spreadsheet, perhaps u2u dizzy:):):)
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:32 PM www

If my wol were worth saving, I would. :(:(
But until then, I won't waste my time. :P:P;);):D:D
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:34 PM www

I am a disorganised person. I save mine in one big word document, that I sift through to find previous entries. So far this has worked for me (only been comping for a year though, and probably not as committed as many compers!). I resuse, or use modified versions of, entries often (One 25WOL composition has won four different comps!!!). Very interesting to hear about others' techniques!;)
posted 27-7-2008 @ 07:50 PM www

Originally posted by Dink
If my wol were worth saving, I would. :(:(
But until then, I won't waste my time. :P:P;);):D:D

LOL Dink, I'm with you:cool::cool::cool::D:P:P:P

My 25wol are for the moment I enter a particular comp so they generally suck:D:D:D
posted 28-7-2008 @ 10:56 AM www

I have some in word, and some in exercise books. The books are great because you can write WINNER in highlighter across the top! It sure makes me feel good.
Although to be honest I don't usually keep 25wol for web comps unless I think I can use it again. I generally draught in the ef and click...its gone. Like others have said, its the ones I don't think about that win, the slaved over entries, carefully saved rarely if ever win!

posted 4-1-2009 @ 12:50 AM www
25 wol

hey I'm usually an organised person, but you guys save just about everything! I've only been comping for 2 weeks and enterred heaps of 25wol, not kept Please tell me..if I win, dont they repeat the notes? that would be embarrassing to find out that i'd won and couldn't remember the caption:mad::o
posted 4-1-2009 @ 08:40 AM www

because I usually have Outlook Express open at the same time as I enter web comps, sometimes if I want to keep an entry (not often), I pretend I'm creating a message and I Copy/Paste the entry into the message field, and then go to File, Save As (name the comp entry), to My Documents
posted 4-1-2009 @ 08:51 AM www

I use an excel spreadsheet, with ent, close & drawn dates, type of comp, where, prizes, values, money I've spent and 25 wol answers and this year I have added an extra column prize winnings :D:D:D
posted 4-1-2009 @ 11:54 AM www

Woh!!! Lemonpower, that sounds too complicated for me............ wouldn't have a clue which comps I 've entered......... good on you for being organised.

posted 8-1-2009 @ 05:29 PM www

I've started a database with Microsoft Access, and have created fields like :

date entered, compeition, prize, 25 wol answer, question, keywords (like car, cooking etc - makes it easy to seach for if I want to modify for another comp), winner yes/no...

... think I have a couple of other fields as well
posted 21-9-2009 @ 09:30 PM www

Me too frizzy, my brilliant WOL are obviously just too clever for the judges!!:P
posted 21-9-2009 @ 10:00 PM www

Now that Andrew put in the 'Personal Notes'
thing,:D:D on here i just copy and paste into that and maybe if i win i will keep it in a book so i can look up later but like others my are not winners and not worth keeping:D:D
posted 23-9-2009 @ 06:00 PM www

I am also writing all mine in Personal notes. If I actually win any then I will paste the winning ones into excel.

No point keeping all the ones that dont win cos they obviously arent good enough :P

posted 11-11-2009 @ 06:11 PM www

What is personal notes and how do you use it?
posted 11-11-2009 @ 06:20 PM www

Top left of any thread/topic you view under the CompTracker marks look for the text 'Personal Notes' and click it.

A popup window will appear where you can type up WOL answers or keep receipt details, whatever.

Then next time you view that thread/topic, your Personal Notes will show where the Personal Notes link is.

You can view ALL your Personal Notes via the User Control Panel - top right of every forum page.

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