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why do you save them

posted 12-10-2009 @ 10:01 AM www
why do you save them

i am not sure why you save them....and can you give in any tips in writing them.
posted 12-10-2009 @ 10:46 AM www

Sorry am I missing something here, saving what????? :o
posted 12-10-2009 @ 11:05 AM www

If you are talking about a winning 25words even though you sometimes cannot reuse the same 25words for another comp you can rearrange them .It sometimes saves times.
posted 12-10-2009 @ 01:07 PM www

Presuming you're talking about 25 word or less answers, are you?...u didn't say.
I save them so I can look back over my sheer brilliance!!!! ;)
I save them so I know what I wrote when I win.
I save them so that I can edit them/change them/fix them up for later.

As for writing them:-
You can rhyme.
You can do a quick few words, simple sentence, clever quip
You can be sincere & honest & draw on personal experience
You can mention the product/s or not
You can be funny or not
You can write a limerick
You can avoid them altogether if you hate them
You can give it a go & keep improving on them
You can write them quickly
You can write it & save it & come back later & keep refining it
Write down lots of words that relate to the subject & work out your answer from the words.
Spell correctly
Answer the Q
Keep within the word limit
Make sense
Have fun

Don't be offensive or rude
Don't swear
Don't disparage the product/s

posted 12-10-2009 @ 03:17 PM www

I don't...just make 'em up as I go along:)
posted 12-10-2009 @ 03:36 PM www

Further to Kismet's response of "don't be offensive or rude", in some comps you can be cheeky (I think comps for men's mags don't mind a bit of cheekiness)
posted 14-10-2009 @ 05:13 PM www

hey everyone I wasnt very clear,sorry about did regard 25 words or less. Thankyou for all your replies...and especially kismet for the guidence

Regards deb
posted 13-1-2010 @ 11:48 AM www

I save them now. I used not to, but then I would win something, and EVERYONE at work would ask me what I wrote!!! Then I started saving just the clever ones, and I won with my silly lame answers. Now I save EVERY answer - just in case.

Also, questions come around over and over again. Especially questions for mothers day, fathers day, favourite movie, favourite place to holiday, why you deserve this prize, etc, etc.

It saves a lot of time if you can rewrite an answer. Also on the third or fourth rewrite you can turn a semi-ok answer into a winning one (Which happened to me - I won the fifth father's day comp I entered - each answer was a little better than the last)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 11:52 AM www

Originally posted by catspoon
I don't...just make 'em up as I go along:)

Same here :)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 12:07 PM www

I save all my brilliant ones, which of course I never win on.

And the crappy ones Ive done in 2 minutes and not ever thought about again, well yep there my winners.

Funny thing the other night I went through my file to check out old ones I had saved at the time thinking they were wonderful, and to tell you the truth , they were pretty crap..... lol:)

For me its always better to wing it.
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