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My Losing Madison mag wedding pack WOL entry

posted 17-10-2009 @ 09:05 AM www

Thats a fantastic entry teamhippo, as Kibby said, save it for another time for sure.

Not sure if that guy from TT knows what hes on about, alot of people win from rhymes!
posted 17-10-2009 @ 10:12 AM www

thanks everyone. i've stopped ryhming if i can and gone more with smart alek one liners now so see if that pays off - or one liners.

my MIL phoned last night bout that but was distracted with 6mth old to watch might go on the today tonight website and see ...

is it wrong that i was like 'NOOOOOOO don't show the site to everyone - less prizes for us' LOL.
posted 17-10-2009 @ 10:15 AM www

I think that entry SHOULD definitely have won. But I think maybe with so many people entering competitions than ever before, then they may not necessarily have read it. Being bombarded with thousands and thousands (perhaps) entries, no one would have that much time to read each one. Wouldn't surprise me that they don't. What a shame though when a perfect entry is overlooked by a lesser one simply as there were too many to read. I am sure some actually do read them all, but the more that enter the less chance of that.
posted 19-10-2009 @ 08:01 PM www

gypsy, that guy is a former promoter, I think, who's written a comping book that came out last year. Looks like he runs another comping website.

I thought what he had to say was a bit definitive. I've won from Good Taste mag using the 'cliched' four line rhyme so I reckon there's still a market out there for them.
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