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Advice - Mail or online when you have the choice?

posted 1-11-2009 @ 07:10 AM www
Advice - Mail or online when you have the choice?

Hi everyone, thanks for your advice to date - it has been great. I just wanted to check if anyone has views on which type of entry is most likely to get a win if you have a choice between online, mail, SMS, phone - or a combination of these?
posted 1-11-2009 @ 07:14 AM www

Aaaahhh - you just never know so personally i try to put in an entry each way!
posted 1-11-2009 @ 11:41 AM www

I always go online if it's both. Free!

The mail in ones are most likely manually entered.
posted 1-11-2009 @ 09:45 PM www

I put most in online. If I really wanted the prize then I would also do a couple by mail & SMS. Just to cover all bases :)
posted 13-1-2010 @ 12:09 PM www

I avoid anything that costs me extra money. I'll enter online if it's available. I have entered a few mail and SMS comps - and haven't won a thing. I think it's more disappointing if you paid to enter and you don't win. If you've entered online, at least all it cost you was your time.
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