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How do people win so much?

posted 7-4-2009 @ 08:08 PM www

Hi 01panters - I don't think there's any more chance of winning if you enter via SMS. It's just another option.
posted 8-4-2009 @ 10:42 AM www

Lots of time and effort and money.
posted 8-4-2009 @ 12:17 PM www

Panthers...I agree with moty on this one.

However, I must add that I have won far more with on-line entries than via sms.

At the end of the has been said again and again must just enter, enter, enter...

But please...make sure you read and abide by all the terms & when you do crack the big have all your pop as required! ;)
posted 9-4-2009 @ 11:36 AM www

Thanks moty and susan mundy for your answers :). Glad that's the case, as I choose web over sms whenever I can!
posted 5-11-2009 @ 06:21 PM www
Number of comps to enter?

Going mad and entering as many comps as you can is fine, however, it is better to enter a few, after all if you are going to win One Comp, the other 49 don't know you entered 50. Advice is not to stress with entering comps in bulk, as long as you pace yourself and enter when you can. Enjoy yourself and the rewards will happen. Fingers crossed!!!!!
posted 5-11-2009 @ 09:37 PM www
25 words comps

Hi Eveyone,
I just joined this morning and I am feeling lucky!!
posted 5-11-2009 @ 09:40 PM www
How do you win with 25 words

Does anyone have advice to a novice on entering comps with 25words or less?:)
posted 6-11-2009 @ 05:21 PM www

if you enter lots of 25wol you will get experience and get better at them over time....

sometimes the first thing that comes into your head is the 25wol that will be the one that is a winner...

look at share your entries thread to see what type of 25wol have won comps in the past.

good luck:)
posted 6-11-2009 @ 05:53 PM www

I hoping the same! i only just joined and im entering like crazy so im hoping a little luck comes our way!
posted 6-11-2009 @ 06:04 PM www

Hi all, just joined and have started scolling thru the multitude of comps out there. Wow!!!! Lots to be won.
I live in WA and have noticed that a lot of the permit no's don't include us in the waitawhile state. Does this necessarily preclude us from entering?
posted 6-11-2009 @ 10:19 PM www

Originally posted by magpies1990
Hi all, just joined and have started scolling thru the multitude of comps out there. Wow!!!! Lots to be won.
I live in WA and have noticed that a lot of the permit no's don't include us in the waitawhile state. Does this necessarily preclude us from entering?

Can't answer that myself, but I'm sure a WA member might be able to fill you in more.

I just wanted to say I love your username!!!:D:D:D
posted 7-11-2009 @ 12:58 AM www

Originally posted by magpies1990
Hi all, just joined and have started scolling thru the multitude of comps out there. Wow!!!! Lots to be won.
I live in WA and have noticed that a lot of the permit no's don't include us in the waitawhile state. Does this necessarily preclude us from entering?

No - WA isnt as strict with some permit numbers and dont require a lot of permits that other states do.
Read the terms and conditions as to eligibility.

posted 8-11-2009 @ 04:10 PM www
I have entered so much!!

There is a trick for winning!! all you need to do is enter in absolutely EVERYTHING!! and you surely will win something, cause you can only win one per day, and there is so many comps and not that many'll have to win!!
I hope this information helps you!!
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