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What Brand of Comp is best?

posted 9-11-2009 @ 12:35 PM www
What Brand of Comp is best?

OK, So far I have had 4 wins, but all have been CD's and a couple of movie tickets. I generally enter only web based comps as its easy to do during lunch at work.

Do the bigger prizes get one if I start doing SMS comps or Mail in comps

I have stayed away from these becuase of the cost, also Store purchase comps becuase of the cost, but im curious, if most wins Come from Web only, or If I should be out there SMS away, etc?

SMS costs 55 cents, so it can get costly
Mail ins, 55cents as well, but time consuming
In Store purchase, you have to buy goods, if you dont buy it normally it can get expensive.
Web based - FREE - use Roboform, fill it in and done.

Curious on peoples thoughts.
posted 9-11-2009 @ 12:39 PM www

most of my wins have been web comps for free, also my biggest wins have been from the same. I only do SMS if I really really want it (holidays!) but havent won from SMS yet. I do mail in comps sometimes too. I have only won a few things from mail in comps.

Good luck!
posted 9-11-2009 @ 02:37 PM www

I have been comping for about 4 years. Not really really lots because I work full time.

From web comps I have really only won movie tickets and the like.

My ONLY major prize was this year. A $5000 holiday. But that was from a wine competition. The thing is that I drink wine and so I was not buying anything that I don't normally buy.

It's really up to you I suppose.

I hardly ever enter SMS comps.
posted 9-11-2009 @ 03:37 PM www

I just won my biggest prize so far from a webcomp - a knife block set worth $1,399 - still excited :) :) My other prizes have been cds, dvds, movie tickets etc

I have won most stuff from purchase competitions so far :)

Nothing ever won here from a SMS
posted 9-11-2009 @ 03:41 PM www

there is quite a few people on here who have won cars and overseas holidays all from web based free to enter.

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 9-11-2009 @ 03:44 PM www

My biggest prizes have been won by either SMS (50 inch plasma Today show) and purchase required (Dairy Farmers I won a computer and Nestle icecreams a holiday in Sydney and chance at a million dollars, I didn't get the million:D)
posted 9-11-2009 @ 03:49 PM www

I save SMS entries for comps that I really want to win and only enter once or twice, mainly because I don't have a huge budget for my mobile. I have won with mail entries, mainly small prizes and mainly wol. I think if you enter as much as you can, and throw in some wol, the wins will come eventually, no matter what kind of entries you do. That's my theory anyway. I'm still waiting for my first store purchase win (pinning my hopes on the IGA KitchenAid!). Best of luck with your comping.
posted 9-11-2009 @ 04:33 PM www

I have won most things from 25wol and some store based purchase comps I generally (mostly honest) only buy things I need and in usuable amounts but have been know to over buy.

But I have more deoderant than I will ever need and I hope never to win moisturiser cause I have a lot of that too :P:P

BTW Ibon so am I ... maybe I can have the plasma and you can have the kitchenaid?
posted 9-11-2009 @ 04:43 PM www

I have won 3 comps in the last month, one was a 25 WOL, a store purchase and a web one. I only purchase if it is something we really need or will eat. I have never won anything over the phone/sms either. :)
posted 9-11-2009 @ 06:59 PM www

Its interesting to see which comp methods work for everyone.
I don't enter WOLs as I am absolutely hopeless at thinking up any creative answers.
I only enter store purchase comps if I actually use that item.
So far, SMS comps have been my winning method. Today I won $1000 in one of the Woman's Day SMS comps.
Good luck to you all, no matter which method you choose and remember to just have fun and enter as many comps as you can :)
posted 9-11-2009 @ 07:54 PM www

I think it's a slippery slope that most compers face, starting with 'I never buy a product to enter a comp unless I already use it" when you're just starting out, to "I'll buy anything at least once, whether I need it or not, just to get an entry in a comp"!

If you're a newbie, see how long it takes before you find yourself buying Benefibre, Equal, Teenas, LG fridges........:D
posted 11-11-2009 @ 05:35 PM www

Lol - will keep that in mind. Good range of winners out there helps us newbies decide how to comp. Thanks heaps!
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