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Gotta Be A Winner haha :)

posted 19-11-2009 @ 07:49 PM www
Gotta Be A Winner haha :)

Win $1500 Barbecue and outdoor setting + 5 x $70 bbq galore vouchers

***Just closed and drawn soon***

q) Unlimited wds ... Tell Us about your most disastrous barbie.

***My Entry***

A BBQ to forget!!!...

It started out well enough.... A magnificent day... the sun was shining as we prepared to host 20 friends for the 1989 grand final day with my beloved cats playing the hawks.

Cold Beer, Big Screen Tele Under The Sail-Shade, and The Birds were singing.

F....ken Bang!!... There was a car accident outside... it was the girlfriend coming back with the ice.. She'd ploughed into the back of granny's volkswagen beetle.

We returned 20 minutes later to see the bbq on fire, and
sizzling grass where two naughty mexican jumping sausages had escaped..

Katie, The girlfriend was not only shaken up after her driving exhibition, but she was the only sober one there.... hard to get a replacement barbie.

So.... "No Barbie No More".... We ate granny's fresh sandwiches and pretzels for the rest of the day, and......

In the early evening I decided to go for a joy ride in my
best friend's Audi at the local parkgrounds...

Many laps later... I was apprehended by the local Ascot Vale Constabulary... "You're going home in the back of a divvy van" they said..

So.. There ya have it!... Oh! I lost my best friend that night, and Geelong went down in a heap also...

I write you from the local Mental Institution, where i spend my
days cursing and cussing with outbursts such as... "Sausage", "Dead Barbecue"... "F**ken Pretzels!", And.. "I wanna do one more lap.. p**s off".

***The End****

Would love dat barbie and outdoor setting haha :)
posted 19-11-2009 @ 08:05 PM www


think you deserve a barbie after that!

posted 19-11-2009 @ 08:21 PM www

Good Luck!!!! :P:P
posted 19-11-2009 @ 08:48 PM www

Good answer, Maccinote - a lot of personality comes through in it!

(every time I think I've crafted a sure winner in WOL comps, I'm severly disappointed. It's always my 'duds' that win :D)
posted 19-11-2009 @ 08:54 PM www

That was a good read. I reckon you've got it in the bag. Good luck.
posted 19-11-2009 @ 08:59 PM www

Haha! yeah!..... after filling out some of the worded wol's ya can feel a little bit disappointed with your own effort fo sho!.....

I'd like to join that club of winning with a dud :P

New to the game, but pulled of a 'Stone Bros' multi runner up prize with this post that i thought was complete bollox :)

the Q was something like..... tell us in 25wds or less ... what was your best road trip?

A) In 1993 we toured Egypt On The back of A tibetan llama. Seven hilarious days, wetting our pants to keep the beast cool. That's Freedom!

So Here I am.... a new member... hooked!! :D
posted 19-11-2009 @ 09:03 PM www

Can I be the party pooper and say I wouldn't give a prize to someone who drove under the influence of alcohol!! Sorry!
posted 19-11-2009 @ 09:11 PM www

:P Course ya can haha!

I'm just glad the camel wasn't under the influence :D
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